Yoohoo local discounts, coupons and more

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Stop searching and start discovering location based discounts, coupons, events, menus and more. You could even discover that there’s a daily deal available at that new sushi place right across the street that you’ve be dying to try. Buy it on the spot and enjoy the savings as you head on in! Whether you’re a mile away, strolling nearby or walking through the doors, you’ll know instantly when something is available.

If you are looking to purchase a new home, you’ll instantly be notified whenever there’s a property for sale or an open house near your current location.

Plus, Yoohoo is great for events and weddings. Guests are instantly greeted with an alert and a video clip or pictures from the happy couple as they arrive to the event!

Select the categories of alerts you’d like to receive from Food & Drink, Shopping & Services, Sports & Entertainment, Health & Beauty, Events & Information and Real Estate. There’s also a “Do Not Disturb” mode. Review everything you’ve found and even pin to save your favorites and use them at a later date.

Instant delivery of coupons & deals as you are nearby your favorite local stores.
Customize the type of local offers you’ll receive.
You can review all offers you’ve discovered.
Save an offer to view and redeem at a later date.
Earn points and stamps with a digital loyalty card.
Be notified about real estate listings, open houses and apartment rentals within a half mile radius.
Participate in local scavenger hunts.
Instantly be greeted with a video or message when attending a Wedding or Event.


Visit http://yoohoo.io for more information

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