If you have lost an ExtraBuck Reward call CVS Customer Service: 1 (800) 746-7287 If you found this video helpful….please let me know! CHECK OUT THESE OTHER CVS VIDEOS: CVS TUTORIAL VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpwu4k-7NLXRmBqa_SxUfbKsFUZZ7Fbnu I just [More]
This is such a wonderful tip that every CVS coupons should be aware of! NO MORE LOST EXTRABUCKS!!! Here is the link to enter in your Sequence #: https://www.cvs.com/weeklyad/common/ec_print_coupon.jsp?ec= CHECK OUT THESE OTHER CVS VIDEOS: [More]
I hope this video is helpful for you to re-print a crt or ExtraBuck Reward. Be sure to check out some of my other videos: 5 MUST DO CVS DEALS Video for 10/1 – 10/7: [More]