Couponing for beginners ( at is great place to learn the basics of saving money at the grocery store or any store that you visit. The Coupon Coach shares tips and techniques that will help you save the maximum amount of money by using free coupons. A coupon binder is an essential tool for anyone who wants to stay organized and save more cash. Learn more tips about stretching your grocery dollars further at
This vid only goes up to 240p like wtf
you talk too much and not showing us how
you're so annoying
you're so annoying
Thank you for sharing! New to.couponing, great tips. Wondering where you print out your sales sheet from?
Where do you get your print outs like Walmart?
You are really fantastic I've always wanted to learn how to do couponing…. Watched a couple of videos and couldn't understand jack shit…. I just watched your video shit blew my mind…. Thank you for taking your time to make this video
thank you for the tips vary good i will be trying this as i am new to this whole couponing world
too much time spending in the. binder nothing infomative.
I like to watch this show called extreme couponing. the people on there save hundreds of dollars and I am just intrigued every time I see it. two weeks ago I decided to start using coupons myself and I was just too ecstatic when I made my very first purchase using a coupon and saved four dollars. I've used several since then from stores to fast food joints. I'm still learning how to coupon so I'm watching videos and found out that the Sunday paper is a good source for getting coupons so I ordered it and it's just five bucks per month. I'm excited to get my first newspaper this Sunday and will be in the window with my dogs waiting for the mailman lol.
i try to coupon and i still dont to it can u pls help
awesome explanation for beginners! Thank you for the tips, made sense to me!
Thank you for the information.
Thanks for the tips in the video. Neat and organized coupon binder you have there.
You didn't tell us a damn thing about how to use coupons you just told us how to organize them
This site let you earn cash back on groceries by just scanning your receipts.
Thanks for sharing your ideas on How you organize your coupons, rain checks, etc. Great job and lots of great tips on couponing.