Dollar General: Gain Scenarios For 9/24 – 9/30 – All Digital Coupons – Super Newbie Friendly

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Johntal Magee says:

Hey Greg. The $5 off $30 for Gain is not working when I use DCs of $2 or $3. The clerk and the description are saying itโ€™s not valid with these coupons.

Dom Valencia says:

Did this scenario 3 times and just noticed that I got a $5 off $5.01 coupon on the bottom if the receipt. Q expires on the 30th!

Couponing With Toni says:

Yes you are loud & clear. lol I had to come listen to you but I don't think you're screaming. & I totally didn't even do the $2 off $10 this time. ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ˜‚

Laura. I love couponing Bare says:

Where is description

SavingWithSha says:

Crossing my fingers to get back into DG Saturday. Thanx for all the work u put in.

Tracey Humphreys says:

Running Kimono sent me your way w/her 'Shout Out', and I'm so glad I listened! Short & sweet (which I LOVE!) & easy to follow w/your explanation/demos. I've learned to ask the general area "My Saver Angels" are from because some deals work differently @ times based on geography, especially when q's are NOT digital( IP, app) &/or newspaper available! ???

Tonya White says:

Never mind Greg I found it ๐Ÿ˜‚ sorry bout that !!!

Tonya White says:

Hi Greg !! I'm a new subby ๐Ÿค— can't thank you enough for what you do !!! I do have a ? tho . I drone Anniston Alabama and was wanting to do this deal… however, I can't find the 5 off 30 digital coupon on my app. Do you have any clue why I can't find it ?? Is this regional ??? Thanks

Pam Hocker says:

Thanks Greg!!

Evelyn Reneau says:

I have problems with stores. It may be computer or manager. Any suggestions on what to do if scenario dont works? Thank you for all

Crystal Bradley says:

Once again thank you for all that you do to help others save. I will be going to DG today.

melissanne darrell says:


BrannRay says:

I'm off to the dg today for sure!!! Thank you so much for the deal!

mary isabell says:

Greg , can't Thank You enough ! In this struggling economic times , natural disasters and Rocket Man , we all need to be getting these deals .

A Vintage Librarian says:

Love watching your scenarios. I don't use Gain (due to our families skin sensitivities) but my Mother in law loves it so I always hook her up. Thank you for all you do.

edmond e says:

Do you have Scenario for this Saturday $5 off $25?

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