Extreme Couponing Season 1 Episode 13 – Scott & Jen

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This is the finale from the first season of TLC’s “Extreme Couponing”. Scott (me), from Long Island, NY, gears up for one last shopping trip before his wife Amy gives birth. Meanwhile, in Las Vegas, Jen uses couponing to home school her twin six-year-olds. Originally aired 6/15/11


kaye says:

I want to coupon but don’t know how to start or where

Aaron Page says:

His wife is funny😂

Highlander Airsoft says:

Who ever is uncharged of music is amazing that heavy metal

MindSparkInTn says:

It’s coupon fraud to use 2 manufacturers coupons on the same item. You can’t use a digital manufacturer’s and a paper manufacturer’s coupon on the same item. Plus it seems like Scott’s a complete douche to his wife.

soxpeewee says:

Everyone laughs at these people's"stockpiles" but I bet the people who got slammed by hurricanes recently wish they were in their shoes.

Invaderguy78 Of Space says:

These guys are geniuses. While extreme cheapstakes are idiots. Why do theybtry to save so much? I don't know. But couponers, they stockpile.

PurplePinappleKiller says:

The dog at 5:27 tho. 😂

Mason Huffman says:

The most surprising thing is his black berry phone still works

Nitty Gritty says:

getting food for cheap 100 coupons living with diabetes priceless

Rita B says:

Hey Scott! Are you still couponing?? Im an avid couponer

Diamond Shines says:

lol I like scotts personality

Sabriye Bayati says:

I need too know where these people live so I if there is a nuclear attack I can just go to there house

Porsha Carter says:

What's worth more time or money ?

Hasti Fattah says:

The mom with the twins has a mini super market at home lol 😂

NormieNicole says:

Teach me your ways

herbdigger says:

That's great but where is the food? The chicken , hamburger, roast food?

Why? Me says:

Dad: oh its strawberry milk and its sell $2.99 and daddy has for $2.00 off so its $0.99


Talon Sage says:

. . .

Or you could not buy formula and your wife could breastfeed for fucking FREE.

ChandFam says:

It's so satisfying to watch couponing

Nikki Sharpe says:

How can you even use all that stuff before it expires?

me me says:

That is sickening that is an over compulsive Shopper yeah you get discounts and blah blah blah and free shit but why don't you donate to people that need it. That is a hoarder you are a coupon hoarders and it is a busy. All that stuff downstairs with all the needy. You should give that away really seriously you can I use that all in your lifetime. Come on plus it's a tax write-off

Alexandra Mabel says:

Omg you guys in the US are so lucky in France you're not allowed to use more than 1 coupon per shopping cart

Jacob Evans says:

i fell so bad for the cashier n the ppl behind here

Shae Matthews says:

I bet he jerks off to those coupons

Gabstergirl 416 says:

I luv how the 9-months-pregnant mom is telling her 35-year-old husband to do breathing exercises over coupons 😂

Kenedeigh Bara says:

So she's the one who clears the shelves at Commissary… side eyeing you Jen… 😒

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