How to Use the SnipSnap Coupon App

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An introduction to SnipSnap for Android, the best way to save coupons to your smartphone and never leave them at home again.


Nesie Wilder says:


fredredded says:

great way to earn money! Use referral code zzung or use my link to get a 10 dollar bonus after your first rebate!

joyceann welsh says:

what store's does the app work at

joyceann welsh says:

if i take 5 pictures of one Coupon can i get 5 things and do all 5 of my Coupons.

Tech Lucky says:

Why do I have to sign-in with my password when I signed up FB account? What's the point of asking us to sign up with FB accounts? Seems to me you are trying to Phish people's FB passwords!!

Debra Thimas says:

can I use multiple coupons with this app? ex.. 4x with the same one?

Niasha Collins says:

s ll u ua7ui

Beverley Allardyce says:

ok not so sure how this works do I hand my phone to the cashier with the coupons? I am so new to this coupon thing and new to using my phone in this manner. Thanks

Vicky f says:

I'm in toronto ontario Canada … Does is work here just wondering before I start doing this n turns out its only in the U.S lol

bertlambert1 says:

That's a sweet app I love it

Melissa Garrity says:

It worked at Michaels and Joann Fabrics!  Yay!!

Chick Vic says:

I doubt this works. Stores want a printed coupon to keep in their cash drawers

Lissette Juarbe says:

Great thing

Jim Cole says:

Thanks, but I am technologically challenged and this video is not detailed enough to show me how to look up coupons on the site.  I want to be able to enter a business, pull up their coupons and bundle them for use.  This video basically is a tutorial for clipping coupons and photographing them.

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