Updates | Coupons To Print | Call-In-Show | Couponing With Toni ~ 7/5/17

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Join My Team: Referral Code is RSRITOA or click link below.

Stay Connected With Me:
Want to write me?

Toni Parrish
P.O. Box 6536
Kingwood, Texas 77325

What Camera’s Do I Film With?
Canon 60D
Canon T3
Canon Powershot Elph 180
iPhone 7plus

***I edit in Movie Maker. I don’t own a MAC. I use Windows 10

Music: ●Soundcloud – https://soundcloud.com/aka-dj-quads

Want to email me???
Email: CouponingWithToni@gmail.com

For Business Inquiries (Only) Email: CouponToniPR@gmail.com


Stores I shop at: CVS, Walgreens, Dollar General, Kroger, HEB, Walmart, Randalls (Safeway), Dollar Tree. I don’t have Rite Aid.

What Is My Channel About/Channel Information

What Insert is that coupon in? Coupon Data Base: http://coupontom.com/
(search which inserts coupons are in)

Instagram: https://instagram.com/couponingwithtoni/
Facbebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100017166512320
Twitter: https://twitter.com/couponwithtoni
SnapChat: ToniCoupons

How To Start Couponing https://youtu.be/sSyBT3vPbXU
How To Pay W/ PayPal-Dollar General: https://youtu.be/jvUCQqyqffE
I Don’t Coupon With My Own Money/Rebate Apps:
How To Print from CVS.com https://youtu.be/-8EPnt6VC1k
Meet Mr. Lee aka My Hubby (He’s not a secret)
Helpful Walgreens Tips Q/A: https://youtu.be/7kHpBrvlet4
What Kind of Printer Do I use? https://youtu.be/W6zk6BkD-tk
CVS Lingo & Couponing Terms https://youtu.be/Y357wGoAR7s
How I Organize My Binder https://youtu.be/1GcLFEIedNM
Trading/Sharing Coupons with Toni https://youtu.be/4i4Cfbs3lFA
How To Price Match At Walmart? https://youtu.be/BwhgqAXlrQA
How To Pay with Paypal? https://youtu.be/1-WeLg_q6Js


If you read all of this You’re The Real MVP’s


Miss T says:

I still can't figure out how to print cvs coupons. I've looked on the cvs site but I must be overlooking it or something?

Kyzar Hernandez says:

Good Morning, Mrs. Toni! I used to be able to look up and see what crt's are going to print, I can't find that now on cvs.com. Can you help? Also, I think you have mentioned in the past, that there is a way to look up the items that are included in ECB deals at cvs, am I mistaken? I can't find that either. Thanks Love, -Tricia

Nancy Zelidon says:

hi Toni!!! is the shick deal for this coming week better than the current one at Walgreens??? considering i already used the perk? ….I'll greatly appreciate it ❤❤

Melisa Roman says:

off topic question…. my daughters hair gets horrible after we go to the pool. is there a special shampoo i can buy her? its driving me crazy! her hair is usually pretty easy to brush but in the summer it gets all gross and tangled ….i just want to chop it off grrrrr

Angie P says:

I live in southern California and just got my coupon insert today. They now say 2 per household per day on every single coupon.

Tehrie T says:

Would it be too much trouble for you to do weekly 10 dollar challenges for Walgreens

Tania P says:

hi TOni, i know u said recently that you dont do safeway deals, but i was jw if you could enlighten us in some grocery deals?? or if u know a good youtuber that does these deals…Thank You

Felicia Dependable Angel Services says:

thanks sis the dixie cups are great

Felicia Dependable Angel Services says:

hi sis love the new blog

Mariakayc says:

Beautiful photo.

Grace Harden says:

Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into these videos!!! They help me so much!!! Can you do some pet food or cat litter deals if you see any???

S Ramon says:

Thanks for all you do!😊

jamara mcrae says:

Gorgeous photo of you. Love it! Thanks for sharing. I've learned so much. You are awesome!

Cynthia Pomarice says:

You take your time we can wait 🙂

Chris says:

I like it vids on saving on household type items. can u do a video showing how to save .money on food items from grocery store?

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