★ My Story: Why I Coupon

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The Story of Tina & FreeStuffFinder.com

Each of us have our own personal reasons as to why we like to coupon, deal hunt and save money. In this week’s video I share my personal story and why I coupon. We are all in this together, let me know in the comments your personal story and motivation for couponing.

For the Latest Deals Go to ►http://www.freestufffinder.com

If you are new to couponing, also check out my How to Coupon beginner’s guide: http://www.freestufffinder.com/how-to-coupon/

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Vera Abel says:

Amazing life story. Way to go!

Jacky Rivera says:

Aww your so cute. I love your videos and every week i look forward to watching them



Siomara Garza says:

Thank you so much for sharing. I love your videos and I am always looking forward for the upcoming one. I have learned so much from them.

Brenda Villegas says:

I really enjoyed hearing your personal story and how you came to do FSF, its inspirational.

Lillian Trevino says:

WOW thank you for Sharing. Amazing.

Stormy Reyes says:

Thank you for all that you do! I just started upping my coupon game last month. My husband and I are fortunate enough to be able to start a small stockpile and your tips are so helpful! Do you have an app? I feel like I need a freestufffinder app on my phone to feel frugally complete. Looking forward to your next video.

Maria Vicinaiz says:

Thank you for sharing. I am really touched by your video and your story.

Winter White says:

Love your story. Beautiful testimony. 😗 Tfs!!

Juana Espinoza says:

Thank you for sharing your story, I can truly understand what you went through. I myself have a similar story, and times are tough at the moment that's why I started couponing. Thank you for your videos they help a lot. God bless you and your family.

Deb Lee says:

You are such a blessing to all of us. You have a beautiful family and God bless your mother and all she did.

Bebita Mira says:

I'm glad in the end all your hard work paid off. You made it! Keep up the good job. You are doing awesome!
Big hugs to you girl.

Cheryl Hock says:

Oh Tina, I just found this. Wow, your story is very inspirational. Your mom sounds like a very special lady. Loved the pictures too. You have a beautiful family. Blessings to you all…

Kathaline Hansen says:

If you still live in Seattle, could you also cover Bartell Drugs? Although I don't coupon there much, I do buy some things there when they are good deals.

Kathaline Hansen says:

have you tried sign language for your girl? so she can communicate. I realize this is an older video, though.

Kimberlina T says:

Such an inspiring video! Thank you for sharing!!! 💕

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