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Check out all the coupons here: http://savvycouponshopper.com/1718-coupon-insert-preview-up-to-6-inserts-this-week-%F0%9F%98%B1%F0%9F%98%B1/#

Check out a Preview of the CVS Ad for 1/7/18 – 1/13/18 here: https://youtu.be/B1wGS9oOvoc

90% Target Clearance Haul Video: https://youtu.be/wDRG2yCh4fo

Thanks to SundayPaperCoupons for the early preview!

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Facebook Group..Savvy Couponing for Freebies & Cheapies: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1451198178544085/

Website: http://savvycouponshopper.com

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Savvy Coupon Shopper
1147 Brook Forest Avenue #23
Shorewood, IL 60404

email: savvyqponshopper@gmail.com


Savvy Coupon Shopper says:

Check out all the coupons here: http://savvycouponshopper.com/1718-coupon-insert-preview-up-to-6-inserts-this-week-%F0%9F%98%B1%F0%9F%98%B1/#

Check out a Preview of the CVS Ad for 1/7/18 – 1/13/18 here: https://youtu.be/B1wGS9oOvoc

90% Target Clearance Haul Video: https://youtu.be/wDRG2yCh4fo

Thanks to SundayPaperCoupons for the early preview!

The Home Plate Special says:

Stay warm and cozy!!

The Home Plate Special says:

I like when you comment and tell what you think and share stories during the coupon previews and reviews.

Elisabeth Jones says:

The only thing in my papers was the P/G. Did anyone else get this? Will we ever get the ones referred to in the video?

Rebecca Loe says:

I seen boost $7 in a RP preview

Norma Jones says:

Hey Luellwn! What I have noticed: the amount of coupons can be the same but they can have a different amount of inserts. Sometimes a large insert will get broken down into 2 in some areas but not others meanwhile the actual coupon count is about the same. With soo many regional-ish coupons that may not be the case! Soo excited! My first week back to couponing in a few months!! Hope you are having a wonderful day! 😁😁😁

Natasha Early says:

Thank you for sharing! Some great coupons.

armando valdez says:

i want Persil coupons

Sandy Combs says:

Where I live we never ever get makeup coupons… Which I live in Hazard Kentucky. (If anyone was wondering) Wish we did but we don't 😢

Jamie catz says:

I have a question on the 50%off Lo'real Cvs coupon can that be used on more then one product

Melissa J says:

I'm so disgusted.. There were no P&G coupons in my paper last Sunday 12/31/17…

Redsgal21 Cinci says:

TFS. 😊 I know you get a ton of requests for different things but would it be possible for you to do a video on how you organize your actual coupons? I’ll look through your past videos. Maybe you’ve done one before? Thanks.

alice hibsher says:

the boost is in the red plum

Elizabeth says:

Thank you! I can't wait!

Vanessa Hernandez says:

Wow. 6 inserts? That is crazy. Well being without coupons for two weeks it's great to get some coupons. Lol. Thank you 😊

Rei Ayanami says:

I'm very happy about the Rimmel, Flinstone, Schick and Bic pens/razors. 😆 Thank you for the insert preview. I hope we get 6 inserts this Sunday!!!

Jess Palak says:

The region I'm ordering from is actually getting 7 inserts 3 RP and 4 SS 😀 I'm SO excited!

SaVvy SaVeR DiVa Jackson says:

finally some good coupons

Smith Anna Nichole says:

there's no way to check the papers they come with ties and the man at 711 told me since i opened it i had to pay for it

Heidi Talley says:

Great coupons love the makeup and hair stuff
And great preview

Brittany English says:

Where do you order where coupon for?

Wanda Tennyson says:

Good coupons!

icy blu 88 says:

Yayyy! Super excited for all the new awesome inserts! Great high value ones for sure! I’m so hyped 🙌

I actually ordered some of those $7/2 Boost coupons online for $1 a set of 10 because I wasn’t sure if my inserts would carry them, and I really wanted to have some to use next week at CVS. They are included in the RedPlum insert that has all the cat and dog food coupons 👌🏼

Thanks for sharing this preview Savvy! Have a great day!

elizabeth aguilar says:

It looks like we are starting 2018 with lots of great coupons… My coupon folder is really light right now time to fill it up.. 😀

Ana Flores says:

Sometimes those inserts made come 2 in 1 it will be thick inserts.

Stacy Works says:

i get my inserts early the boost is in RP 1

Andrea Munoz says:

I'm so excited!!

karen jones says:

hi, luellen! wow – who ever gets all 6 will have hit the mother lode! i want you to know, i like your conversation in the videos. i know some have made comments about them being too long – i don't agree. the info is good for sure but it's about the person and personality, imho. thanks for sharing! ~k

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