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PRINTABLE BREAKDOWN: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TdiWgcHQYSO3YVPk-uAYAbiqtl4Of4Afqs2NQNHOf28/edit?usp=sharing


Use My Fluz referral code to earn THREE 35% vouchers from selected merchants.

Ibotta Referral: AYJJJR
Fetch Referral: C1PNA
Shopkick Referral: WIN430308
SWAGBUCKS Referral: https://www.swagbucks.com/?rb=48283071
COINOUT Referral: https://coinout.com/referrals/new?r=JCJDZ3T
INBOX DOLLARS REFERRAL: https://www.inboxdollars.com/?rb=101803756
MY POINTS REFERRAL: https://www.mypoints.com?rb=48283149

HOW TO USE REBATE APPS: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDhkO6HhS9JxBOkaUNaIqhrAxEY4dAxW1

PO Box:
Ohio Valley Couponer
PO Box 8294
Zanesville, OH 43702

Kroger Instructional Videos:
How to Use Digital Coupons- https://youtu.be/5E17EsCzAg4
How to Shop Mega Events- https://youtu.be/N0HzrvG4T6w
How to Do “Catalinas”- https://youtu.be/vH88fIRmImQ
Let’s Chat About 5X Coupons- https://youtu.be/ZaDQGiRsk0I
Stacking Digital Coupons- https://youtu.be/OEEBKAmkF7w
1-2-3 Rewards Card- https://youtu.be/_HcpSgtLdPc
Kroger Cash Back Tutorial-https://youtu.be/xGLwC5jO9m4

#extremecouponing #walmart #walmartcouponing


OhioValleyCouponer says:

It looks like they already yanked the Spray N Wash deal. Sadly I have no indication of when deals will go away, and they can go away in between the time I get the video up :/. Thankfully there are still plenty of other deals you can do!

Julie Yeskie says:

Great deals at Walmart!! Thank you!! 😊

Stacy Benton says:

I have started using the Alexa rebates recently. It start out bumpy but they did make it right. 2 of the last 6 rebates I submitted have funded and the others are pending still. The credit for the rebates go to my Amazon account on a gift card. To make some of the deals you highlighted today are also offed on Alexa, example Pearl Milling items, energizer batteries, Pepsi soda shop cans, Milk bone, hungry Jack and more. I have found if the ones I submit today all fund without issues some of the items paid a few cents for are now a MM by a few cents! You do have to have Amazon account, but like most I regularly use it for something. πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²

Reggaegal Reggaegal says:

Been missing out on all these amazing rebates but enjoyed watching! Thank you!

Kathy C says:

Cannot find Werther's popcorn anywhere. Anyone here found it?

Anita Beal says:

Wow…while I love watching your videos..I never have any of the good Shopkick or Swagbuck deals you have…I mean, not one of them!

Paul Frost says:

My swag buck is only$2…booo!

rita slade says:

Really awesome deals Thanks Nick God Bless You ☺️

Lauren Ashlee says:

cannot thank you enough for your printable break downs ❀‍πŸ”₯πŸ™

Wendi Whiter says:

They lowered all the new deals they posted on shopkicks

Clippin Koupons says:

My slowmag got reduced down to just 50 kicks lol. My spray n wash is only 200 sb now. Oh well. Even w/o sk, the slowmag is still free + a small profit. Thx for the share, awesome haul.

Judi Hughey says:

Is there a formula for fetch rewards in figuring out how much money u get back for the points they reward???

Trisha Escobedo says:

Hey Nick how do you calculate Swagbucks? If I have 200 Swagbucks for spray n wash is it equivalent to $2? Thanks for your help

Christy Caldwell says:

Hello shopkick question ??? when I click on an offer that I already bought before it's not showing I can click reciept to submit again but if I click to submit a reciept it will let me . is it fine to submit again as long as I'm buying on a different day? Thanks for your help

Melissa Muir says:

I love your channel!! Thanks for all the great deals. I was just wondering if you could let us know how many shopkicks and swagbucks each product is. I have no clue how many 2.76 shopkicks are. Thanks for all you do.

Amy Stotts says:

Thanks, Nick! Swagbucks disappointed… 😒. Spray n wash, easy off, resolve… I was wanting to do all of them. I did my haul last night and finished off my frosty bonus.

Karebear says:

Thanks Nick 😊
If y'all can't find the milk bone treats at Walmart for.98Β’, Ibotta has a .50Β’ offer for dollar tree.
Every time it resets, I go grab a few bags for my fur-grand.😁😍🐢
We use them for training snacks.
1.25 – . 50Β’ = .75Β’

Dolphin Dreams says:

Aw I really wanted the spray n wash. It sucks that swagbucks lowered those offers. They didnt even last a day. I hate when they do that because I dont go to walmart after 12pm. In my town walmarts get so crowded and so I only go early in the morning. These high value offers seem to only happen later in the day so I always miss out πŸ˜” oh well

Natalya Valadez says:

Hi nick how do you figure Shopkick amount? Example if it 700 kick how much is it?

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