40 Cans of Soup

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I’ve got some email questions about what and how to pick things to resell. I have been buying and selling at the flea market all my life and there’s still a lot for me to learn. One way many people make some extra money is to buy store groceries that are on sale, use coupons in addition to the sale price to get an item very cheap and sell it at a flea market. I never really got into this, but it’s one option to make some money. The best way to do it, I think, would be to get to know someone that delivers papers and can get you the left over coupon section from the Sunday papers. The regular retail price per can is $2.50. They were on sale for $1.00 and then when you bought 10, the register printed out a coupon to get $2 off. The final price was 80 cents a can. These 40 cans cost me $32 where if I had paid full retail, they would have been $100. There are opportunities that present themselves every day of our lives that a motivated person can use to make money. You just have to look at the world in a different light. http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=11&pub=5575168947&toolid=10001&campid=5337864703&customid=&icep_store=terminal99&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229466&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lg – Link to my terminal99 eBay store! – Link to my terminal99 eBay store! – Link to my terminal99 eBay store!


terminal99 says:

@SkoogGaming Thanks

Kampes Cards says:

Those ae some nice tips

terminal99 says:

@commando602 SHTF or TEOTWAWKI is such a big topic, a person could devote an entire channel just to being prepared.

terminal99 says:

@commando602 Your ESP is working good today. Check out my newest video!

Commando602 says:

That brings up a subject that maybe you might want to do videos on…
Stocking up on food for when SHTF…….Just thought of it, making a suggestion is all..
I have been stocking up on can food, honey, oatmeal, grits, seeds, water and bunch of ammo….

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