Amazon Coupon Code Video Tutorial – Amazon Promotions

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Helping Amazon Sellers with their websites and hosting.

Learning how to create a Coupon Code inside our Amazon Seller Central Account is supposed to be easy.

However, you could lose thousands of dollars if you make these 2 mistakes, which are easy and common mistakes made by the average person.

This tutorial will walk you through…

How to Create an Amazon Coupon Code or Amazon Promotional Code to use for what ever item you are selling on Amazon.

Coupon Codes will help you get more sales and get the word out that you have a new item on Amazon. — Let the IMS Hostng Specialist help you with your Hosting and Website needs for your Amazon Business.


Kevin Katz says:

Hello, Thank you for the video. Is it possible to make one redemption code for multiple products? I want to submit two ASINs for 25% off each, but it doesn't seem to work when I follow these steps.

Kevin Katz says:

Hello, Thank you for the video. Is it possible to make one redemption code for multiple products? I want to submit two ASINs for 25% off each, but it doesn't seem to work when I follow these steps.

Weird World says:

No money off option on my promotion. it only shows percentage off option.

Chelsea Nelson says:

This is still wrong. the ONE customer can still buy 5-100 and get all of them for 1.00 ea. Happened to me many times with this same setup

AirSYnc says:

Great video, but i dont understand why you left it for one year. oh it is so your in control of it 🙂

ZedbokSports says:

Hi, there's one problem, Even though I tick the box for "One Redemption per Customer" it still says no in the review, even after it's enabled after 4hrs, any fix for this?

Dr. Devonte Weston says:

Hey, how long can you have a product on sale for? If I make my product 50% off, how long can I keep it like that?

Cindy Nguyen says:

I understand you're providing the customer an opportunity to buy your item for just $1, but this does not remove the shipping fee. How would you combine both the offers into one?

Fancy Beauty says:

I just tried to buy something on Amazon and it asked for a promo code. Now I have to do all this just to (buy) something :/

BeingThinking says:

this video is very helpful. However, I find the background music very distracting an unnecessary.

Utkarsh pednekar says:

I don't have promotion Code option under Advertisement.

WorkingWithBurt says:

So glad everyone is finding this video very helpful.

Just a little notice for the people who want to REALLY INCREASE their Amazon Business FAST…for a limited time:

Starting Dec 01, 2015

Free Webinar Teaches How YOU can:

Set-up to Selling a New Product in 72 hours.
Sell as MANY Products as YOU want.
U.S. Based Manufacturing Facility.
Pay for your product after it sells.

Richard Forrest says:

great tutorial mate. Gave me the exact answer!!

Pierre Lamarre says:

Woooaah, all the info I needed to know to run my promotions.
Thanks for this video.

Veena V says:

Such a clear, concise and valuable tutorial. Thank you so much for making this 🙂

דפנה אליה says:

Great video, worth every minute I spent on. thank you very much. Do you have more tutorial videos on Selling on Amazon?

Ramboogie M says:

Many for the simple explanation. If I create a coupon for one specific customer, and send it, how would the customer redeem it?

Sandy Comeau says:

freakin awesome….tyvm!

Jayms Hanna says:

Great video thank you so much. subscribed and liked.

Team Fish, Inc. says:

Thank you.  You cleared up a great many issues…

Maisara Masri says:

thx bro.
any body can see this copon or just the seller customers?

Smile Project says:

Great, love it

St Iv says:

Thank you very clear explanation.
I have a question. When I create a promo code it only for one person use or I can give as many as I want the same promo code?
Thank you in advance.

NeWisdom Valley says:

Great video.

Leon Letwing says:

So useful for me!

carlos miguel medina ruvalcaba says:

Is the Amount Off  based on the Original Price of my product or over the Sale Price?
I mean we are offering the product for $14.99 but its original price is $19.99
I want to offer a $1.00 coupon. Thanks

Jessica Hothersall says:

Thank you so much for the step by step instructions, I feel more confident I've done it right now 🙂

theseogeek says:

really good video. #amazoncouponcodecreation

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