AMAZON FBA $10,000 CHALLENGE 🚀 (Day 28) Creating Coupons and Promotions to Skyrocket our BSR!

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Join me on the Amazon FBA $0-$10K Challenge to make $10,000 a month on your first Amazon product. This transparent launch is designed to show you everything you need to know and do in your product launch to make it profitable on Amazon


We create a coupon and a promotion for our Amazon FBA product that will increase the sales, conversion and momentum of our FBA listing in order to sell more maps and gain a higher organic foothold on the competition.


Access the FBA Masterclass: (1,000+ Students)

Better than tanner j fox and amazing selling machine? Let us know.


Freedom Formula says:

Thanks for watching! Subscribe to our Amazon FBA Channel and leave any questions that you want me to answer below 🙂

Gabby Ballesteros says:

Hi Benji I'll love to have the opportunity to win the giveaway I want to have financial freedom and mostly time for my family and my self and stop working for somebody else and start working for me and live life! !! Thanks!

Melinda Chapman says:

I am ready to be free from day to day money worries.

Josh Allen-Craig says:

Still loving the vids Benji! I want to sell on Amazon so I don't have to catch the train into the city on a rainy Tuesday!

SoloMatch says:

Wanna start so I can avoid the 9-5 rat race and be different by becoming my own boss

Amaan Mangera says:

i need this so i am able to make myself my own boss….to feel the pride of being someone big…hope i win

Justin McNab says:

Why does this item show that it was created in november

Ezra Lee says:

LoL #snowball @joe sullo

Matthew Yeager says:

you are awesome man! i want to be stress free and start my passive income career i want to win!

Tony Kim says:

I want to win so i can help pay rent for my college tution and rent for my parent :C

zjdfg A says:

hey , love your awesome videos
i have question is the masterclass include a mentorship ?

KennTV says:

Great video once again thanks! 🙂
I almost have the cash to buy the course but I'm still having second thoughts because I'm thinking that after I take the course I might not even have the capital investment to start since I can only save like 290 bucks a month. It would literally take me more than a year to save on my capital investment for the FBA setup and I'm afraid that by the time that I have the cash for it, the course could be already an outdated information. I only clean homes as a part time job and I'm still a student with a 2 year old son to support it's pretty tough to jump in a business like this but the other half of me says that I need this business to change my family's life.

Mahmoud Awawda says:

Thank You for these amazing videos

David Douglas says:

I am currently working on supplying my product, super excited. My supplier is also helping to finish the final design and send me pre production samples (for a small fee) which is awesome. Thanks for the great videos and inspiration!

amazon fba tutorial says:

hi freedom formula wheni want to ship from china to amazon warehouse do i need to respect the requiremnt of shipment like pallet and so on because amazon has said that will refuse any shipment that disregard the requirment . or just send shippment to amazon warehouse without any respect of requirment . and is your opinion in that

sonoest2 says:

Hey guys, i would really like to join FBA. i hope this can help me have an easier time studying, and pay my mom back for my student loan <3

Oliver Adams says:

Pls after this series can u do one of drop shipping on amazon

Mohmed Kachhvi says:

What an amazing video again some serious Golden Nuggets right there detailed explanation of Coupons/Heads up. Another fav video of my this #10ktrain 💪🏼😍👌🏼

Sanza Clauz says:

I have a question:
So if your not living in the US and you want to sell in the US do you need a special registry for tax inside the US?

Vicky Jauk says:

Hey Benji, can I have one of the codes? I don't want to mess up your launch but would love to give this to my brother in law.

Joe Sullo says:

Very valuable strategies in these tutorials to gain traction. #SNOWBALL

henk bosman says:

Hi Benji, great video

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