Any discount codes or nah. #discount #gaming #sale #controllers #replyingtocomments

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#Shorts Any discount codes or nah. #discount #gaming #sale #controllers #replyingtocomments


Shreksearwax says:

It said it’s not available for the items in my cart

Lincoln says:

The discount code doesn’t work for custom Xbox controllers:(

Tyler Warren says:

I tried to buy one, but it is so damn expensive

Nullify says:

The code worked

Jęzus Çrusť says:

It doesn’t work anymore

Lawson Smith says:

it didn’t work for mail in orders 😂

Tania Walker says:

How do I get onto your website?

Jonathan Delgado says:

It’s not working!!! another code or nah

Eddie says:

I still can't afford it with even the discount lol😂

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