Basic Accounting Vouchers – Explained

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If you are a beginner in Tally, then this Tally tutorial is surely for you. Four basic accounting vouchers which are F4-Contra, F5-Payment, F6-Receipt, F7-Journal are explained.
These basic accounting vouchers are used in day to day accounting whether you are doing it for you or for your clients.
For beginners this video tutorial on Tally will be a good start.


Adra saraswathi says:

very nice explanation sir thank u sir

Aryan Upadhyay says:

he is stupid manĀ  and also create same type of all stupid students

Saji Kumar says:

stupid type of explaination

niraj karwa says:

If u have one ledger by tally school name then it will come under which group

niraj karwa says:

when did u create payment ledger. I m watching ur videos from starting. how can we credit payment ? We can credit cash or bank while making payment

Sidiq Mohamed says:

could you explain me
How to pass credit and cash sales as well as purchases also

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