Bath & Body Works News | Coupons and Rewards Program | CandleConnoisseur

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Kristie Coronado says:

Can I go to the bbw store to sign up for there mailing list thank u

Margherita Sicilian Beauty says:

I can't wait to use my coupons on those wildberry chamomile body butters! So excited for that scent! What are your favorite candles? I just did a massive SAS haul on my channel should I even get more lol!

Sheila Perena says:

I use to get two mailed to our house. One for my hubby and one for myself. As of today we haven't received none!!!!!

heather landskron says:

I didn't get one a coupons in the mail, but I have not been there since November. So not sure. Hi. Nice video.

Looney Lynn says:

How do you get the coupons in the first place

Laurie W says:

I got the $6 for wallflower plug and refill coupon mailer. Please don't feel like you're missing out on a whole lot with that one. I read the fine print on the back and it says 1 wallflowers plug priced $4.50 or less (the cheapest one they have) and a refill. Still not a bad deal but not as great as I thought it would be when I first saw it.

Jane Fondacaro says:

I never ever receive on line coupons…aweful.

Lisa Didycz says:

You should have said transfer me to the coupon dept then. Or who ever takes care of the mailing list issues. Lol.

Jennifer Sacca says:

Lucky you I NEVER get mailers,,, I call and call and nothing! Why it pisses my off that they no longer do bounce backs,,, thanks for reminding me to make sure I call AGAIN bc I'm going to need mailers now. Tfs Xxoojenn

Jacquelyn Flirt says:

I totally understand your frustration because I am supposed to get coupons and so does other people in my house. I also get what is going on with bath and body works call center because I also work at a call center and even though we are the ones you call with you issues we aren't the ones who mail out anything haha so I get what he meant by that lol! This prob didn't help you any lol but I love your videos!!

Lizbeth'sbeautychannel says:

How do I sign up for the coupons that are sent to your home? I'm already subscribed to the email ones☺

sassyintrovert says:

when BBW curves you πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Adam’s Obsession says:

you need to call the 1001 customer care line instead of the 5005 line. the 5005 line is for online and the 1001 is coporate. πŸ™‚

Sweetbabygurl34 W says:

I hope they do a coupon rewards app for Samsung phones. that would be nice

Sweetbabygurl34 W says:

I actually have that butterfly wallplug

All Things Affordable and Fabulous says:

love love love your videos and your personality

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