Box Swap Unboxing with Coupon Star and The Lehoux Family

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Today I am doing a BOX SWAP with two fellow Canadian YouTubers! I love both of these channels so much and I know you will too! My box came from Coupon Star and I sent a box to The Lehoux Family. Check out their unboxing videos below:

Coupon Star:
The Lehoux Family:

Pre-order my NEW BOOK now and get over 100+ FREE organizing printables, checklists, planning pages, labels and MORE!

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The song for my intro (Life), plus all of the music on my newer videos in from the amazing and talented DJ Quads. Here is the link to his Soundcloud:

Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel for new organizing videos every week!


Khadija Baddad says:

Lmaooooo. I think I died for a second because I couldn't breath laughing

dineen lafferty says:

You (calling Joe on the phone): "We need to take Milo to a dentist! 😰"
Joe: "What are you calling me for… Call the dentist"
Me: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Ruby Montelongo says:

OMG I am so sorry. I hope he feels better fast. If it makes you feel better I have 2 girls and they are not any better it's just different stress with.

Carolyn Castagno says:

This looks like so much fun!

Weeeps Alotts says:

It is so hard to watch them not care about getting hurt. You are not alone. I have no kids but the boy i watch had a black eye then stiches on his chin (from jumping off the slide at school) then for about a month now, has had a new giant bruise or gash on his face, since before halloween. Before one heals he already has a new one. He is clumsy and a daredevil so i don't see him having a fully healed face anytime in the foreseeable future. Most of it has happens at school, which has been a blessing because i am pretty sure child services would be visiting if it all happened at home. Thankfully only one mark was while i was watching him. He walked into a door handle and got the original black eye. Right in front of me because he is exactly the right height for his eye to meet the door handle. The day after the stitches from the slide, i walked in to see him leaping off the top bunk bed straight to the floor. I am pretty sure my heart skipped a few beats. Good luck with Milo, i am pretty sure i would have passed out or had a heart attack seeing his face so hurt. Lots of prayers for him and you!

Sharon Hughes says:

Aww, Sweetie, I am so sorry! I had two precious boys….and my youngest must have been the first edition of Milo! LOL We had him at the ER for such stupid sounding things! I used to think they thought we were mistreating him too. Sometimes it is just too much….and you just sit down and try to breathe. And what is kind of sad is that he is still so young! So many years to look forward to! It will get easier, honey, sooner or later. Hopefully he will mend as quickly as my son seemed to do….and Christmas will help you to forget this moment in time.

MrsMack65 says:

Both my son & daughter have bust their faces open/broken teeth etc and yip they still do all the stuff I tell them not to do because they'll end up hurt again. Kids are fearless and forgetful (like I literally told you 2 seconds ago and you're doing it again forgetful 😂)

Tammy Sanchez says:

I so feel the whole boy thing.  I had my daughter young and she was 20 when I had my son and they were like night and day.  I seriously can't believe he hasn't broken a bone yet (he's 8).  if you ever need advice let me know lol
Love the whole box swap idea and what cute gifts you got.

Organised & In Order says:

OMG Cass..that sounds horrific & I am exactly the same as you I lose my head & the last person you want in an emergency situation! Hugs & thoughts with you xx

Emma Zackley says:

Hi Cass, love the videos. My home looks so much better now! I have ME so your 31 day challenge is taking me a little while, but I am now on day 22. Yay! Anyway, I need your help! My 12 year old son takes ALL of his books to school every day. His school is really strict and he is terrified of getting a detention because he has forgotten something. He looks like a tortoise with his massive backpack! Can you do a video about a school organisation system that will help him remember his books daily so he doesn't have to take a weeks worth of books every day! Keep up the great videos 😀

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