Burger King Buy-One-Get-One Free Coupon Challenge

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Since I go to Burger King often, a coworker provided me with Burger King buy-one-get-one free coupons. I joked that I should use them all before they expire. One of my other workers heard my comment and challenged me to do just that. There were 16 coupons total (originally I miscounted and thought there were 15) and I had about a month. But, I was only to use them on a workday since someone needed to verify with reasonable assurance that I ordered and ate the meals (In the video I only show the first few bites of each meal before I head to the office dining area). Sounded doable so I accepted this semi Supersize me style challenge. In my case it was easier since I had the option to take breaks from the Burger King meals as long as I can use all the coupons before expiration. I also think it’s easier to eat Burger King meals than McDonalds meals (better tasting and I prefer onion rings over fries). Not all coupons required me to buy a value meal (side and drinks) to get my free item. Failure means I get punished and winning means I just avoid a loss. Hmmm seems unfair, but I don’t like losing. Too bad the angry Whopper was not one of the coupons, since as of right now, that is my favorite item.


DragonLady24 says:

Dude why do your feet at 0:48 have bad sores and a bandage? Are you abusing ur feet again?

supergoali2 says:

this guy is funny, good shit

Sean Mathews says:

snickers and sugary-ass yogurt for dinner. every 9-year-old's dream.

throwingthingsatu says:

That's nasty, 118 and you actually lost weight? Dear god, 118 for a dude is anorexic ..

Michelle T says:

every fast food joints are different, either better or worst

Mc Lovin says:

they're probably funneling in McDiesels fries.

Michelle T says:

the place that I go to have fries that are awesome and are NOT nasty…

Mc Lovin says:

wtf?? you're out of your mind. The bk ones are all doughy and nasty.

Michelle T says:

the fries at burger king are awesome. the ones at McDonalds are okay but not crunchy enough

Michelle T says:

i like whoppers but i can never finish one. >:(

Mahmoud Elmalkey says:

Oh hey! Have you considered – fast abs magic (search on google)? Ive heard some interesting things about it and my brother in law got great Six pack abs and lost tons of weight with it.

Miguel Anco says:

he runs five miles a day so i guess that makes sense?

Renaee Graham says:

super size me?

triblademaster adfadf says:

you lost weight

dahhyung says:

what's disgusting is the end where he shows his weight. and it went down. wtf?

Pizda Ma-tii Google says:

So you don't like chicken meat?
And if yes is it because it is too light for you?

askforadeal says:

sweeet video man! burger kind has the best burgers ever! stop by our channel to score some more burger king coupons and discounts :]

Ifoldthenuts says:

how in the name of all asians did you lose weight/not get sick/puke everywhere at all?

you are fucking LUCKY to be able to get away with that shit. If I did that for two days I'd be up at least 2 or 3 pounds.

andrew lee says:

How'd you lose weight lolz

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