Burger King customers attack employee over coupon dispute

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Rebecca Klopf reports.


JDW is Here says:

I guarantee all of those bitches are on food stamps. Probably section 8 as well.

George C says:

eek eek ook ook chimps just being chimps. Black is the color of crime.

Abel Cerrillo says:

next time through sum hot oil from the fryer at them…

Leppard Fan says:

Fucken ghetto trash

Luis Figo says:

Again another monkey 🐵

Robert Bowersock says:

Those cows don't need any more fast food lol. Should be easy to find them. Search the local buffets .

Lee Anders says:

I wounder why this isn’t all over the paper and tv just like the Starbucks incident?????? It’s because there black

abutts02 says:

She needs a Whopper shoved up her ass

Valerei Renfro says:

The ghetto girls.

Dannielle Rush says:

Dumb UGLY bitches

Marcos Manzanares says:

That’s just Felicia always TRYing to do the most
Damn gurl I would have gave you that burger if you was hungry 😋

Beautiful Gardner says:

Ignorant trash , demanding free food .

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