Cashier shames customer for not having enough food stamps l What Would You Do?

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Inspired by a recent news story, a grocery store cashier gives a customer using WIC assistance a hard time for not having enough money. How will shoppers react?



Kenneth White says:

I wonder what would happen if they went shopping at an upscale community market place and the woman short of money was Black or Latina.

KingRifqFauziGibran says:

" why do you help her ? " Its the ridiculous question tho .. dafuq

Dexter John Yabut-Ilagan says:

when they gave money do they not give it back to them

Esmy Grande says:

God bless all these black people they have good hearts ❤️

Roma De Leone says:

The ladies that tag teamed to pay made me cry.

Ozzie York says:

Company should have fired that cashier.

john Baldock says:

I'm ALWAYS Amazed at Black Americans! They have been treated SO F**KING BAD for hundreds of years but are ALWAYS the First to Join the Military and Help out others! From a White man in England Thank You for being the Bigger Person! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!🇬🇧❤️🇺🇸

pierricka Ngoma says:

Black people have a good Heart.

The Eye Odin Lost says:

If you think poor people are snuffing money away, look at the Deep State and the fuckin' corruption. All the lobbeys and stupid shits. THOSE are snuffing the money away.

Rodney Bernard says:

I don't think I could be so nice to the cashier, it probably would have went way different,I work in a grocery store and we have done this a number of times for customers and proud to do it because most people are to proud to ask for help but that doesn't mean we can't help them and I ding care who it is everyone deserves respect and we all need help!

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