Changes to my Deeper fish finder discount code

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Whether it is a Deeper Chirp+, Deeper Pro+, Deeper Start, or a Deeper Power Lantern or winter bundle, I can get you a discount with my personal discount coupon, BUT… Deeper have recently made changes to the discount coupon program meaning that my old discount code no longer works.
Full details on the new Deeper discount coupon are available in this video.

Deeper website:
Deeper current promotion:

Discount code ROBBIE10
#ROBBIE10 #Deeper #discountcode


robbiefishing says:

Here is Deepers current "Winter Bundle" promotion:

Lachshot Boss says:

Cheers Robbie mate, the photos of my fish got exposed to light and didn't come out very well unfortunately. Cheers for the videos Robbie 🙂

Cameron Nicholls says:

Champion Robbie. I'll have to get on and grab that discount for one of those. Cheers mate.

Zaki Jan says:

Yay I bought a deeper chirp with your code two weeks before the change.

Tasmanian Fishing with Nathan says:

Hi Robbie just tried using the code and it isn't working 🤔

F-U-2-2014 says:

the way I remember the difference between brought and bought is you bRing something you brought.

Scott M says:

I got lucky and used your code for a Chirp+ a couple of months back! Such a great little unit and your videos here sold me on it 🙂

RKJ Fishing says:

You're right mate it's amazing that they can still offer a discount despite the current global situation.

David Moli says:

Hey Robbie
I’m heading to Mulwala next weekend for a little holiday any tips for shore fishing I’m Lake Mulwala

Sam Wesson says:

I might need to get a deeper chirp well done mate I was wondering when a Robbie video was coming

Michael Dimovski says:

Robbie who do you go for in AFL.

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