CHECKMATE FOR THE MOASS – New GME Short Squeeze Info – GameStop Short Squeeze + #GME DRS

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The CosmicLightningWarrior explains the current situation with the GameStop short squeeze as of October 8, 2021 and Why the price is stagnant around $175 ish… but WE’VE ALREADY WON. Citadel goes full psycho ex-gf and goes on a twitter rampage trying to cover the fact that Ken Griffen LIED and committed perjury LIVE lol. This should absolutely piss you off and is yet another indication that the GME MOASS not only is true, but the MOASS is close. I explain the GME MOASS, where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going in September. A lot of the Space Force think there could be an October GME MOASS Gamestop Squeeze because the price action for GME is about to become extremely volatile (especially with apes direct registering GME with Computershare now!) Compared to the VW Squeeze and the other previous squeezes the GME squeeze is a once in forever situation. With the MACD crossover imminent, the floor is set for 10million a share, and a potential Gamma squeeze is on the way. Hopefully the new NCSS/DTCC rulings will force a margin call and launch this MOASS to Andromeda with 10 million being my personal floor. Although GME is manipulated like none other, the last THREE TIMES the MACD crossed the price has jumped significantly ($108 to $350). #GME Lightning discusses how retail investors own MORE THAN 100% OF THE FLOAT and how this impacts the GME short squeeze, and how the hedge funds like Melvin and Citadel are screwed, and how the entire US Stock Market may collapse. Big banks are selling bonds worth 340 billion total, working long hours over the weekend, and $GME is set to explode at any moment. The GME Short Squeeze originally started to take off in January but was halted by the Robinhood app…but April 2021 could be the beginning of something much much bigger. (this shit is not advice btw)

My Other GME Short Squeeze Videos:

GME full playlist:
Ultimate GME MOASS Guide (pt 1):



⚑ TIP LIGHTNING (get your message read) ➟


South Dakotan TRUST:
Montana and Buying Cars 1:
Montant and Buying Cars 2:
Rich People Banks:
13H FAQs:
13H Explained Clearly:
What if I Don’t File 13H:

Lightning’s favorite GME subreddit:


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CosmicLightningWarrior says:

Dawna Bell says:

Visual spatial learner… got it

Anthony L says:

The guy burps live on camera and doesn’t even say excuse me. WOW?!

Jr. M. says:

How long is this clown gonna Be talking MOASS??? Gonna be 45 in his moms basement wearing underoos with his painted face chirping about moass lol!!!

Gherkins Sister says:

Pi-Fi seems to think the t+69 theory is definitely in play. They either failed the recent roll in September, or got enough shares from the ETF rebalances and shares offerings. Regardless, the next big t+69 starts on October 13th through the 28th. Next week we'll start ascending up to the 28th. If they fail to roll on this one, just like they did last year, BOOM. January 2.0. Except this time, instead of starting at $20, we're starting at $200+

Davai Davai says:

playing gme feels like putting money in to crackheads hand. it just doesnt make sense πŸ™‚

James Gall says:

GME > amc

BullionZ says:

The fib extension from previous highs in january (1,618 = 1305 $ and 2,618 = 1700$)

getting Baked With Bob says:

January old ass ape shit man just cause we old dont mean we didnt live 2008 we know this game

ChipsMcClive says:

Just registered 100% of my shares. Ready to take the longest Christmas vacation ever!

RYAN LK says:

You da fucken best!

Daniel Serrani says:


Hey man great DD as always!! Question. Are you still predicting the late October Squeeze?

Dell Cof says:

Computershare uses a broker that sends your order to a lit exchange or dark pool. You can not pick or tell them which exchange to use. They will not tell you which broker they use. They may send your sell order to the dark pool and you know what can happen. If they send it to the dark pool you may not get fill during the squeeze.

Paolo Yatar says:

Wheather u DRS or not its checkmate mofos GME wins

Elim Garak says:

Quit pushing computer share. It's bullshit.

Sondaze! says:

Playing GME feels like a video game trading market where everyone is online because they found an infinite money glitch

Bryan says:

Diamond hands βœ‹πŸ™Œβœ¨πŸ˜

DarkGlitcherHD says:

guys i have 20 shares. but 0 computershares, cuz its very difficult in europe to do so, i also dont have any money left to buy new shares, if i had shares i would buy computershares, but transfering shares is weird … i use etoro and comdirect.

my question, is it BAD BAD for me that i dont have any CS ? cuz i feel rlly bad and i think i will miss something if i dont CS my shares but i canttttt its rlly difficult out here.

SkeeLowzWorld says:

Can't Stop….Won't Stop….GameStop…πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

Grant Wease says:

Love this guy!!! Astro AMC put a video out about the GME algorithims today. Ya baby!!!! πŸ•ΉπŸ•ΉπŸ•ΉπŸ•ΉπŸ•ΉπŸ•ΉπŸ•ΉπŸ•ΉπŸΏπŸΏπŸΏπŸΏπŸΏπŸΏπŸ•ΉπŸ•ΉπŸ•ΉπŸ•ΉπŸ•ΉπŸΏπŸΏπŸΏπŸΏπŸΏπŸ•ΉπŸ•ΉπŸ•ΉπŸ•ΉπŸ•ΉπŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°

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