Cooper Coupons – The Big Bang Theory

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James Fair says:

Heeeyyyy how can I get a copper coupon for spending the evening with him at the science center where he points out their mistakes

Mary mcnuckle says:

Johnny can't text it possible a word might come up when he hit the buttons.I will keep check on his phone.

Shivash Sunker says:

I forget what I bring to the party,
And what I take away when I leave…

Choerry’s little helper says:

Now that you’re in my debt 😂
Sheldon is an actual god

Mohamed Webber says:

I want this Cooper Coupons 😂😂

rupesh_ patel says:

Wah Pah 😂😂😂

BedsitBob says:

I'd go almost anywhere with Amy.

Cutest girl ever.

Joe Southgate says:

What a fucking legend

Slight Hand says:

useful in my opinion

Lexi Love says:

I would love some Cooper Coupons!

TomK. says:

"Now that you are in my debt…."


Anthony Farah says:

thumbs up for amy accepting cooper coupons

Anthony Farah says:

technically the shirt he is wearing is a flash shirt, hence the lightning bolt

buddhistgangstamonk says:

i died laughing at one free grammar check LOL

finishers29 says:

One free grammar check! rofl!

pandabear91311 says:

thumbs up for the coupons & the green lantern shirt on sheldon

93z says:

Shamy is so cute!

veraaloelove says:

hahahaha, awesome! especially the whipped sound 😀

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