Coupon Clipping

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Do you find yourself having to sort through & purge expired coupons? Are coupons worth the time & energy???


Jasmine in my mind says:

I have been thinking about this recently. Your videos on discounts and this one have been very helpful, by the way. I am trying to get out of the "sales and discounts" mentality because I've come to realize how much brain power and time it takes from me. And I wouldn't even consider myself a deals shopper, i.e. I haven't tried to become an expert on finding the best deals. But I just find myself always looking for what is on sale, or has a coupon, when I would rather save money by simply buying fewer things.

Xahvia Braun says:

Great points about being mindful, not discounting ourselves & mostly realizing what activities are actually time wasters. Noticing how we choose to spend our time, directing it to highest & best use is most valuable. Thank you for these tips!

Cell28 says:

Thank you for this video! I am currently in the same situation, and was thinking this through, the same way you did…BUT I wasn't aware of the "devaluating oneself" thing..-and wow it is sooo true! Seeing it from this angle helps me so much, and now I also keep only the few coupons that are non specific. These are really helpful and make me happy and I don't feel devaluated using them. Everything else goes straight to the recycle bin. Thank you thank you thank you- you are a gem!!! Greetings from Austria /Europe. Tasha

penny baker says:

We do not have coupons here thank goodness. Just specials in store. We have the cheapest supermarket in New Zealand just down the road so shopping is a breeze. No coupons no going from supermarket to supermarket to get the best deals

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