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Hey Lovely People
As you know I get blessed with a lot of coupons and some of them I do not use and I hate to throw them away. That is like throwing away money . So if you need coupons view this video and tell me which coupons you need from this video.

1. Email me
Tell me your name, address and coupons you would like.

***This way I don’t miss anyone in my comments because I noticed some of my comments go to spam and I can’t find you then.

2. If you have coupons you don’t want well send them in so they can be sent to someone else, or you may donate a stamp to keep this process rolling of blessing others with coupons.

3. If you ever get Yocrunch yogurt and you don’t use it please send to me LOL!

Send mail to me at

PO BOX 14142
Greensboro, NC 27415

Remember clip 2 save and you will be amazed!!


S Spearman says:

Received my coupons today. Thank you!!! 😃

Mara Negrete says:

I got my coupons today!!! Thank you so much!!! Where can I send my expired coupons for our troops? Thank you again and God bless you!

cametolistentomusic says:

Just got my coupons today! Thank you @Couponing Crystle

Thelma Gomez says:

Omg I got the coupons omg thank you so so so so so so much!! God bless you!!!

Mattie D. Truitt says:

Hi Crystal I don't get coupons. I love watching your videos.

Linda Joseph says:

It is so sweet of you to this. I will be looking out for the Yoplait you requested.

S Spearman says:

Thank you…emailing you now.

Kayla McCloud says:

I know Gina Schweppe is looking for the Elmer's coupon for a Christmas donation thing she is working on if you want to contact her!

Kristy Saelee says:

Crystle thank you for coupon giveaway

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