Coupon Lady Saves Thousands

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Consumer Queen Melissa Garcia gets everything for free. One shopping trip Totaled $1880 but only spent $19.Free groceries, free giftcards and more. Free info @ . This is not a scam we have thousands of members who do this.


Shelley Miller says:

awesome! i will def. check your site out! thanks

Esmeralda A says:

I need help on how used the coupons in wich store? Or what stores recives double coupon?

Sabah Akther says:

does this work for canada??

shannan2000 says:

In UK if you shop with coupons you are called a Cheap Skate!

ConsumerQueen says:

@mimi3f Thanks just checkout our site

Mimi says:

this is soooooo great, ive recently become a couponer and save LOTS of money!!! but i still have to come out of pocket-less than 10 dollars for certain items, how do i do it for free??????

ConsumerQueen says:

@TheSacredKier Way to go! Thats awesome! So Glad i could help. Be sure and comment on the posts you like so we know which ones to keep posting 🙂

Realfreestuff forall says:

Thank you from lilypadfreebies ~ Savings!

hippytreehugger4ever says:

Oh Electrasol coupons, how I heart thee… 🙂

ConsumerQueen says:

@SweetDarling33 umm this was all bought over a series of time! I don't clear store shelves as that would make the stores stop having deals! There are 8 pkgs of diapers in that video which were all donated to the needy! Why not spend your time helping someone too instead of making negative comments about people you don't know and situations you have no clue about!

RachelGreen says:

no wonder I can't get any deals as people like you clear the shelves to stockpile…76634 diaper bags… I bet you don't even need them….

skullaria says:

It is true, but it is work.

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