Coupon Stockpile | Rselling | Side Hustle | Streams of Income |Business

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Reselling your coupon stockpile is a great side hustle, and additional source of income for you and your family. If you have something in your hands why not work it I hope you have enjoyed this vlog of my personal journey and story about reselling my stockpile

Hubby Thoughts on couponing

need to learn how to coupon

How to use digital coupons

Hubby Thoughts on couponing

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Mailing address P O Box 765274 Dallas Texas 75376


JacklinesJourney says:

Just got the Stockpile Pricing Guide! This is so helpful and a thorough list. You’re the only couponer I know who’s done this. Dope! Thanks

JacklinesJourney says:

Love your hustle and thank you for the information. I’m Starting tp resell as an actual business too. Love Love Love your channel

Brook Rodriguez says:

Thank you so much I so needed this video!!💯❤ You are so GREAT and HELPFUL and I really truly appreciate everything you do and all the time you give/reserve every week just to help all your viewers who want to learn. @budgetbosscoupon A.K.A. My Coupon Cousin ❤❤

Dannielle Giturwa says:

I loved this🥰

rantybaby says:

What did each bundle set consist of? 🤔🤔

Latonya Atkins says:

Thanks for the info!😊

angel woody says:

Thanks for sharing. I needed that.

toshia stephens says:

Thank you cousin for being honest and helpful in this coupon journey.

Joana Hernandez says:

You motivate me so much, I lost motivation to reselling but I need to regroup myself and reevaluate and NOT give up! Thank you so much for all the tips, I hope to see you in the stores here in Dallas some day!

Dana Gardner says:

It’s me baddie I took a few minutes today to watch your video. I’m so proud of you cousin

Donna Turner says:

Congratulations on all your success ! !! I know I can do it .. but these folks want everything for Free !! Happy you stuck to your guns 💪🏽 with that powerful word..No !! I am just learning at 59 to say No! 💪🏽 Thank you for sharing your journey with us !


Thanks coupon cousin!! I love the excitement of doing the deal We are empty nester’s so I was starting selling to my family & friends as I was giving it away free!! Thanks for showing us how to boss up like you!

Della Mae says:

I really loved this video it helped me so much I have always sold bundles here and there but this last few weeks I've been a set amount every friday cause well its payday lol…best day to go hard in my opinion…you are very inspirational and your videos have helped me so much…I would really be Interested in pricing bundles that's where I struggle…I dont like the walmart cut in half thing honestly i would love to hear your point of view on pricing stockpiles…thanks again

Wanda Starling says:

Thank you Cuzzin for everything that you do I'm forever grateful watching your YouTube is therapy for me since I had a stroke and became disable but you're a blessing to the coupon world IJS

Rachael Kosela says:

I've read/heard so many different opinions and thoughts about selling your stockpile items. It's nice to hear it from someone who has done it with no issues. I just don't understand where some laws/people are coming from when they say it's wrong/unethical. We purchased the items fair and square, so why not?

Breeze Lee says:

Amazing video, since I started couponing 2 years ago was prepared for the pandemic and able to help family/ friends. I only sell to a few people, and have paid off 3 credit cards. Thanks for much for sharing video is so encouraging.

Sasha Fernandez says:

Thank you for sharing! I didn't realize your in TX until this post. lol

Cristina R says:

Loving your style today!!!!! Hair,Makeup and Vibes♡♡♡♡

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