Coupon Yoga Series – Cutting coupons while stretching

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Coupon Yoga Series — Where we stretch our minds to stretch our budget.

Amy, The Wally World Woman, teaches how to efficiently cut out your coupons while stretching, hence Coupon Yoga. She also explains the importance of cutting all your coupons out to capitalize on in store deals and specials that are not advertised. Also, the importance of not cutting the expiration date off.

Finding amazing Walmart Deals through price match strategies and coupon organization techniques has always given me an extreme coupon high! It’s truly a mental rush to leave the store with a shopping cart overflowing with great WallyWorld money makers, freebies, discount sale items, and with my grocery budget still in tact! My passion for bargain shopping has always come hand in hand with helping other deal seekers save money and become more financially secure, and all while still maintaining our integrity. With over 18 years experience, 3 websites, managing the largest deal website in Utah, and thousands of hours spent combing the grocery aisles, I know a great deal when I see one. Roll back the savings, one price match at a time with


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