Coupons for ANY grocery item – my secret

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I don’t do a lot of couponing simply because they don’t normally make coupons for the stuff I am buying. But every once in a while I have been able to get good coupons by buying them.


David McClelland says:

Best Buy are liars, thieves, and scammers.

I'm going to have to change my bank acct because I had the misfortune of purchasing a laptop from there and got suckered into their "virus protection" that was supposed to be much better than Norton, when come to find out their very own website is secured by guess who…..NORTON.

I have automatic renewal that was not an option that they took out of my bank acct and according to a HUGE amount of complaints I found on Google, they will NOT end.

bloomingrosevine says:

My secret to saving on the kind of food you are talking about is to look for discount veggies and fruits right on the last day before they are discarded. You have to cook them that night though.

MilkCap says:

Do you have OCD?

mkmstillstackin says:

Great suggestions. thanks!

pickingvideos says:

Great coupon tips, thanks for sharing!

secretoftheinternet says:

What are you talking about? I'm not making any extra trips. I only go when I would go anyway, and I only buy what I would have bought anyway without the coupon. There is no extra cost associated with using the coupons beyond what I paid for them.

BackyardUrbanFarmer says:

If you get dents and in accidents every time you go the store you might want to consider public transportation…

Nard586 says:

@phrankus2009 dude shut up, thats to extreem to think of personal risk and crap like thAt

phrankus2009 says:

Yup, but are you amortizing your cost-per-mile transportation cost for the extra trips? What about your personal risk, in traffic ? … Could you save more by consolodating your trips ? I mean … Insurance + Maint + Gas + annuals (registration, inspection, tickets and defensive driving, accidents and just dents ? … I dunno, Man … Seems like something of a wash, to me.

Littlepoochgirl says:

good tip. thank you.

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