Coupons Got Her a Grocery Stockpile! | Extreme Couponing (Full Episode)

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Maryann is a Washington stay at home mom who loves going grocery shopping to get a break from her family. She throws her daughter a coupon-themed 12th birthday party to convince her friends and neighbors to start couponing. Her super skeptical friend Lori needs some extra convincing. 15-year-old North Carolinian Haley is the boss of her whole family when it comes to grocery shopping. Her mom admits she has “coupon OCD” because she is so particular about how her stockpile and binder are organized. She starts to save up for her first car.

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Lillian Giles says:

This woman thrived in quarantine

Evolve says:

there are very few skinny people in these couponing stories. There is a lot of junk food being bought to satisfy this practice

Kaitherat012 says:

As a retail worker I hate you

CosplayHeroUnite says:

“I’d leave my daughter behind but not my coupon book”. Ma’am, your priorities are fucked up

S0ph!3 says:

Notice how the people who do this never have any financial issues. They all live in community based housing and can afford those expensive cars with no problem. My mom is a single mother and she only uses coupons whenever they are shipped to us accidentally or it’s a coupon every customer gets because she’s teaching me that living hard is just living in reality. She only saved 30 bucks right? Tell me how she’s gonna have 5k saved up. The math doesn’t make sense there. I could never go to the grocery store for hours on end just to save money. You may be saving money but you are wasting way more time. I’d rather work for it. Makes the shopping more worth it in my opinion.

ToriOfTheNile says:

I don’t understand why they buy things they do not need just to hoard them in the house, all for the sake of couponing. I’d respect it if they donated the things that the family doesn’t eat. But to just sit it there is so… meaningless.

ToriOfTheNile says:

No he did not just ask his daughter if he could have a specific food 🥴

Keshvi Sureja says:

Does this stuff not go bad?????????????????

goku ultra says:

She good at math

Rebecca Watts says:

This woman gotta be good at math

AppliedPoem1692 says:

Can someone explain how you get so many coupons?

VicTheEggLord says:

Corona ant got nothing on them I’ll tell you that much

alix smith says:

If I was her daughter I would have left the party and started looking at nursing homes.

7metaldragons says:

Wait, the BBQ was supposed to be 50 cents each and she was buying 60 and she paid less than $30 total. She must have had some coupons off the total price but usually you can only use one per purchase like that. I'm kind of calling BS on this show in the sense of where do they get these coupons and how are they aloud to use that many in one transaction?
Also the first lady's motto must be give a man a coupon and he'll save for a day, teach a man to coupon and he'll save for life. It's nice she wants to help her friends save money, but why buy all this stuff you don't need just because it's free? Maybe if you donate it, but she keeps it all.

Kilwi Rivera says:

What I see in these type of people is that they are selfish! Let that sink in


She is killing it I'm impress maybe I should be a coupon LOL she all that food yass girl 🤣☺️

L Smith says:

Hailey needa eat

Thatkid Ty says:

The only reason the dads not saying anything is because they are too white

GL0WINGXblossoms says:

“River please do not put your brother in a half nelson” I am uncontrollably wheezing 😂😂😂

B E says:

Instead of hoarding and saving them for yourself try to give out the the people in need

jennifer stuart says:

Wish she was my neighbor!

ultrastl6979 says:

Am I the only one who see how this young girl is dangerously thin she is u can see all her bones I am happy she has a hobby but the father wanted to buy chicken wings she said no I mean who's the parents again yes she saves but come on she's out of control smh

eva shepherd says:

This is the only mom who can say “no we have food at home”

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