Differences between Similac Pro-Advance and Pro-Sensitive

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This video shows you what I learned from using both Similac Pro-Advance and Similac Pro-Sensitive. I’m a new mom and there is so much to pay attentive to and learn to take care of my baby. I hope this video helps and saves you some money from buying the wrong formula.


Sandra De Velazco says:

When you changed formula did you see an immediate change ? Or did it take some time ? Because I currently changed my baby’s milk & he is struggling to pass stool

coyote2040 says:

Useless info…

RichGuy214production says:

Do you fill the hole spoon that comes inside the similac for every 2 ounce of water or just on till the middle of the spoon?

M Suleiman says:

My baby 17 month old age but looking 6 month who milk waight gain

jance augustine says:

Nice work mam it wil help me I would like to ask one thing that my baby girl s now 5 months old and I think she more hungry til now I am giving breast milk only to her so which formula is best for her? Please reply to me

Monifa Basdeo says:


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