Doggy discount πŸΆπŸ˜‚

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Zombie Guy says:

This is the correct way to do a prank

Lunid Eclipse says:

People dressed as robbers after being arrested when they got a robber discount: πŸ‘οΈ__πŸ‘οΈ

Nypthys says:

all fun and games until a real furry comes in and tries this sh πŸ’€

aaasht says:

I mean, he IS a dog. And using the dog coupon

Brian Moya chiuz says:

I know someone lost the impractical joker challenge πŸ˜‚

Alexis Dipoalo says:

If i was the manager there i would of found a way to give him a discount somehow πŸ˜„

Wave Gunner says:

I love this kinda prank. It doesn't destroy everyone's day by making a mess, but it makes everyone happy instead.

per norm says:

He identifies as a dog
His pronouns are: bark and woof

The Me says:

As someone who works in customer service, this is absolutely hilarious, this would turn a terrible shift into a great one. Such light-hearted fun I love it

thien says:

The discount would've work if you go to a chinese restaurant

Cris Valladares says:

this videos cure my depression

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