Dollar General Coupon Matchups 3/11-3/17 Aveeno & Johnson Baby Deals/ Loreal Instant Deals Start

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Hi guys. Here are you Dollar General coupon matchups for the week of 3/11-3/17. Lots of great deals this week like the Johnson&Johnson and Aveeno Baby deals, and the new Loreal Instant. Happy couponing with love and enjoy.

Here are your links from the video:

Lysol coupons:

Ragu coupon:

Always coupons:


POSS2012 says:

Such a wonderful speaking voice you have. You gave a very clear and detailed description of the products and coupons. That’s very helpful for those who are new to couponing. Thanks allot for all that you do. I’m new to your channel. Blessings 🙂

Penelope Jackson says:

I can not figure out how to get to the hoppy days calendar…I got there once but grrr lol

Ann McCullough,RN says:

Hi Danica. I finally have a question. The Angel Soft….the deal that says "2 for $15 for 9 mega roll"……is that included in the "Buy $15 receive $5 off instant" deal?? I have three $3 off $15 DG coupins as well as the $1 off Angel Soft and would like to utilize them for maximum savings. Thank you!!

Deanna Whorton says:

Thank you!! ❤

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