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Budget Boss Coupons says:

Hey cousins I'm going live tomorrow evening at 7pm ill post on the community tab as well

Tinatriestoplan says:

Hey! So I'm confused. I'm 100% new to couponing. I just downloaded the DG app. What do you mean by scanning the item onto the app, and the coupon attaching to that item. Thank you so much for all your help. Also my daughter will be homeschooled. The district changed to all virtual learning at the last minute…

Stacy Mariano says:

Hey Coupon Cuz, i love how you explain everything so clearly. You would be a good teacher ❤

Jamie Arrowood says:

Unilever store coupon is regional

Shantelle Mcclinton says:

Thanks cuz I just ordered my gain coupons great deal

Melissa Mills says:

My son wants to go to school so bad to see his friends regardless of mask or not. He isn't a fan of staying home for hw. Probably because I pester him and keep on him. lol It is hard though being 12 and not seeing your at school friends at all. Just want him safe. I'd rather him stay home though.

Katrina B says:

I'm in Louisiana and I'm scared and I had to let my son go to school he is in second grade and I have to work so I can't be home to help him

Kentucky NaNa Saves says:

Hey 👋 Chic, …. There's my Cousin… N I'm here for the deals… N after this, … I'm truly breaking, deals so 🔥🤭💯👏🛒💥, I haven't let up… So, I'm going tomorrow n be done after that … LMBO 😝😂🤣❣️… Thanks n love ya bunches…

Oops says:

Hiya Cousin! I had to have Covid test this morning. 3-5 days for results. No worries though. God's got this! My granddaughter is doing virtual learning to start this year. 10th grade. Praying for everyone! God bless you Cousin!

Jesse Cruz says:

I wish my stores had WiFi, it sucks not being able to price check or anything. Thank you cuz

summer funrides says:

Is the instant savings a coupon I have to clip or does it just automatically come off when I purchase them? Thanks

Amy Grimes says:

I watch you just to here that set of pipes. People with beautiful voices are blessed. I sound like a cross between a croaking frog and a dying cow. Lol.

Corbin Smith says:

Hi cousin no cousin virtual learning, love your hair.

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