Extreme Cheapskates Reveal Their Most Shocking Money Saving Tactics! | Extreme Cheapskates

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Being thrifty requires a little effort. So, to help you keep more of your cash, we’re revealing a few super saving methods used by America’s most extreme cheapskates. Whether your goal is to save money on food or to cut your water bill in half, these money-saving tactics should help you out!

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Joelupo83 says:

Sorry dude but washing your clothes in the bathtub doesn’t make you save money bad news for you

zackary mcclain says:

The third person doesn’t understand that fuel cools fuel pumps. Fuck that full tank of gas. I’ll blow up my 150 dollar fuel pump.

Esther Ijeomah says:

People like these will never become rich

Lisa Harris says:

He said he is saving $40 a month to use the microwave. What an idiot

I konics says:

Washing dishes and bathing in yout tub is nasty! Why deprived yourself!

H O S E O K ‘ S C H U R R O says:

oK wHy dOnT yALL jUsT gEt A JoB?

iTylerGqmer says:

Why isn’t anyone mentioning how Apple reuses her dirty moist towelettes which have wiped her table to wipe her baby’s ass?

Connie Wright says:

it doesnt cost a dime to go for a run around your neighbor hood either

Amina Braganza says:

They live in houses that are no less than mansions and call themselves cheapstakes.

Amina Braganza says:

I have just one thing to say…

These are all FAKE

YELLOW 94 says:

“BAAAA BAAA” what is you a goat?

CipherBytes says:

Never trust a cheapskate….

Emma Poffinbarger says:

“She also found a way to save money on diapers”

I hope it potty training

Grungedude93 says:

I support the reuse of the airline food. America has too much food waste

Parker Simpson says:

Your child is like 3/4 ish, STILL drinking breast milk and STILL in nappies..? Maybe spend more time showing your kid how to use the toilet and you'll save money because you wont have to buy nappies?

Super Lady says:

Honestly using other women’s breast milk is pretty smart and healthy but she’s way to old for breast milk, she’s going to school soon.

Selina Boyd says:

This is the dumbest shit I have ever seen. They are not saving money.

federica pisani says:

Did he use the same water for clothes, soup, him and dishes?🤢🤢ew

Crystal Rogers says:

I understand saving money in a lot of ways… But all these things I see people doing with water and then putting their bodies in there makes me sick! Have people not heard of infections, staph, MRSA???? Use clean water to drink and to clean yourselves people!!!

Janet Wasonga says:

Some people need prayers

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