Extreme Couponing: Episode 16 Cole And Angelique

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Megan Busick says:

lol u know u did it right when the store starts paying you

Cosmic Creepers says:

Fucking skinflint, get the fuck out and work for your groceries like everybody else you lazy cunt fart.

Clorox Bleach G says:

Omg that baby had a mohawk 🤮

Super Taco says:

Cole's ex gf is rlly annoying

Brandy Orndorff says:

if i was gonna coupon, it wouldnt be on groceries. no way they can eat all of that before it expires. it would save a lot more to coupon on toiletries, etc tho

Its Em says:

they’re being rude to cole. yeah i bet it gets annoying, but he’s doing what he can. no need to be a bitch about it.

Its Em says:

abby seems like a BITCH

victoria walker says:

Cole’s X is annoying. I’m pretty sure he’s beyond grateful that her family lets him stay there rent free. He even coupons to help her family as well so he doesn’t feel like a burden. It was all fun and games at the beginning of the shopping trip but when he asked them to stop throwing the food into the cart they should’ve stopped. He’s so particular about everything because couponing involves math and rules. Everything has to be precise. He’s trying to help his family and hers. She needs to stop trying to be annoying and help him.

Breanna Fountain says:

My fear with stocking up on baby products is my baby would be allergic to the stuff 😭

Elizabeth Holmes says:

Thi is making me consider to be an extreme couponer but then I realized 'oh yeah, the Philippines doesn't do coupons that much'

Jewel Victoria says:

Let’s not act like we don’t see that cole ex is a bitchy immature child 🙄 it’s serious to him cause he has to feed his family and keep his current residence it’s a big deal tf

WildFire says:

“While they’re out chasing girls, I’m chasing deals.”
Coupons with a ton of girls.
King of Multitasking.


Imo thats jus fuckin dumb..130 meat products..did u c it..its that nasty ass cheap bologna and sausages..who even eats that let alone that much..str8 weirdo

Richard Harvey says:

WOW, One dollar and 30 cents over budget! How expensive!

Claria Cutajar says:

Those two girls were so mean tho

Sym & Lyv Yea says:

I’d be grateful to be coles gf. He’s amazing

Harry Potter Fans says:


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