Famous Footwear Industrial Film.mp4

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Famous Footwear Industrial Film
Colleen Malone plays a customer.


Believer 0908 says:

This video is hits all the points needed for working at Famous, also BOGO 1/2 is still going on

Green Penguin says:

No one'll never be as good as Ray😫✊🏽

HotPancake ?!? says:

He picked a total dad shoe lol

petulia67 says:

Attention shoppers: Did you know that Famous Footwear demands that you have your driver's license scanned into their company database in order to return a pair of shoes, even if you have the receipt? I didn't either, but I foolishly bought some of their inferior shoes online and was told about this at the store. The online shopper does not know this because the website lies by omission, it merely states you need your credit card and one form of personal ID. They do not cite it must be gov't issued and nowhere does it state it is SCANNED. Will I ever shop there again? No. Should you? Your choice, but you were warned. If you want to have your personal info sold or stolen to return a pair of low quality shoes, then by all means shop there.

Tiffany Truong says:

Lol he say my name is Ray like 10 times

MediaWatchDawg says:

Nice to see Al Bundy got a bigger store.

Tyris Brye says:

an updated version should be done using the Connection.

gamermatt71 says:

Film was directed well, nice camera work, actors and dialogue seemed natural.

steven pellot says:

I worked here for over a year and strive with my numbers. This is a good video but should also show how to prevent stolens. It's a big issue in the store and my old store and I took a while to figure out the proper way! I loved this job and would definitely come back!

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