Food Lion commercial

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Directed by Greg Popp
Produced by Supply & Demand Integrated


Arjen Verboven says:

In Belgium Food Lion is called Delhaize.

Animated Cheese says:

I need help
When I was young I did a ad for food lion
Just photos
It was me and a woman pretending to be my mother
It's a mother and son thing
In one of the pictures im holding red peppers I believe
Please help me and tell me if you find any of the images

playroomcreative says:

Contact info for talking lion animator?

Lynn Darby says:

What is that piano tune they play in the commercials?  I think an award should be given for their new commercials.  So subtle so nice.  No embarrassment.  Pride in these Lion attended (or morph edited) commercials.  Bravo.

chiponiz says:

its dutch 🙂

Holly Jaye says:

ANOTHER embarrassing commercial made by Food Lion. I won't and don't shop their, but for ONE item (and it doesn't matter what it is).

K Webster says:

"That's all you brought ? (2 dozen wings) For 7 people?"  

Was the 'wing' guy responsible for bringing enough food to feed all 7 people?  I'm assuming each of the 7 people was responsible for bringing enough food for 1 person.   If they wanted more wings, one of the other 7 should have brought some more.   The wing guy did his part. 

Loulouburg says:

I love this Lion!!!!! keep it forever Food  Lion Chain!

kay harrington says:

I miss going to food lion to see someone who made me smile and who made my heart believe. I really wish I still had that.

K Jader says:

Who is the actor who brought the chicken wings?

Micheal Scott says:

What is that theater song

hutter2006 says:

i think of aslan everytime i see this commercial. says:

Hi Hallie!
Do you know who provides the voice of the Lion?
We plan on adding this commercial to (and will include your credit as well). If you have any other commercials you appear in and would like us to add them just let us know.

Stephen Mahala says:

The lion should maul the guy in the bird costume after his "Thats just my two cents" line

Hallie Cooper says:

I only have this commercial since I was in it, not any others.  Sorry Hang Ten.

Hang Ten Pool Service says:

Are you able to upload the new one (shot the same day as this one) where the background is a children play?

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