For his next trick, he'll pull 2 olive garden coupons out of his hat

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Kelly Stogner says:

"No girl, RUN!" Said with love!

Billy says:


Just Your Average LGBTQ Anglican says:

‘He’s a magician’
Me: girl, he sounds awesome

homeless Zaya. says:

See how a woman was ok with the man , b u t the friend makes it feel off. Do you boys caue these women put you up to a team.test . .all to offer used pvssy …

Michelle Clark Miller says:

Yeah, Talia sounds more than a little judgy to me. I mean, how is that different than “he buys old storage units; pans for gold; kills alligators; runs shine; catches tuna/snow crab; buys old toys and junk for a living”?

Matdredalia says:

Nothing wrong with doing what you love! I'm so down for it.

randal fowler says:

Being a magician wouldn't he be a Southern Miss fan

Margaret Lennon says:

Stay out of the saw a person in half box until you really get to know him.

Maddie says:

But yet you hire “these people” for your kids birthday parties 🙄🙄🙄 they’re making a living just as much as you are. And they probably have 1000 times more fun at their job then you do at your cubicle job.

GaPeach says:

Girl, Run! 🏃. 😂

Tre Sand says:

I'm deeply offended lol my mom was a clown when I was little. My uncle owns a magic business, they rent costumes, bounce houses, he's a magician too and they have a party place that they have birthdays at… he's actually loaded from it.

Annonymous5411 says:

Bring a magician isn’t a bad job. Depending his long they’ve been doing it, they can pull at least 50 to 60k for those children parties

Lono Konane says:

If he makes enough to live on, why judge?

Unkinddonuts says:

Why didn't you lead with he has a floating table. That's the seal the deal, game changer…

Erica says:

I love how Talia's answer was just "No…"

Toastlotl says:

Listen as long as he's making enough money I honestly do not care, as long as it's legal and safe I guess, do what works for you, better to be a happy magician with a little bit of pocket change than a miserable billionaire alone on a yacht

Mc Donalds Worker 🍟 says:

Love the girls deadpool t shirt

E'chel Thompson says:

As someone from Mississippi, when she said he’s from here i instantly knew it was gone south🤣🤣

EqualBasis says:

Hell yeah floating tables magic boxes he definitely will be good with your magic box 😉 ookk gurl

K N says:

Judgemental and shallow AF.

Kenny🐝 says:

Dang, what's wrong with being a magician?

Louisa says:

The people in the comments trying to defend the party magician 😂
There's nothing wrong with it as a side gig for fun but as a main job? 🤭

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