Forever 21 choker haul and Online Promo Code!

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Forever 21 choker haul for Christmas celebrations, each choker was under $10.00 20% off, Promo code FALALA20 until 12/16/16 on all orders over $100.00!


Doreen K says:

I like all of 2nd last. A new subbie here. I got a channel too,hopefully you check me out and return the favour. XX .#YTSisters.

HeyItsRitz says:

They're super cute. I love chockers, I'll have to check out forever 21 😏

Chrissy Boo says:

Loved it!!!! You are too cute! U make me want to step my choker game up lbs

Pink GlamGirl says:

these are super cute!! the tile behind you though… I die!!!

J Rock says:

I really enjoy you videos! 😊

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