Free Baby Enfamil & Similac formula and coupons

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Hattie Hernandez says:

I also live in georgia

Hattie Hernandez says:

My cousin uses all these products email me please at plmher13@gmail

Hattie Hernandez says:

And the similac bottle

Hattie Hernandez says:

I will take all the formula and coupons email me at plmher13@gmail please I am interested

fuwwe2 says:

i just got this in the mail..i dont have a baby!! nor am i pregnant..i think i signed up when my sister had her baby..sadly they sent this stuff way to late cuz my niece is 1yr old planning on giving it away but can i give someone else my coupon even though it has my name?

thefox2525 says:

If you give your kids this stuff, you will spend alot of time at the doctor.

ciara g says:

o this is great i just had a baby and these enfamil ready to go bottle can get pricey! & he eats alot! THANKS!! 😀

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