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Day 340 – September 7th 2014
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Camera: Canon Powershot Elph 330 HS
Editing Software: Adobe Premiere Pro
The royalty-free intro music is from the website
Artist: Kevin Macleod
Title: Mariachi Snooze


lesley7x says:

Your so pretty 🙂 <3

Phoebe says:

Omg! We love our George Forman type grill…. We use it almost everyday!

Phoebe says:

I hope you're feeling better now.

chibiwonder 456 says:

Quick question. How do you make your bookmarks, Baylee? There is a bakesale/raffle at my school for each grade every year, and i wanted to make some cool bookmarks to raffle off, but idk how. I usually draw on two strips of paper, cut a piece of cardboard thats the same size, and voila! But what do i put over so that they dont get ruined?

gabriellee says:

What do you you do as a job?

Nijidesu says:

I freaked out when you said that Christian was watching SAO(SAO II maybe?)… MY FAV ANIME <3 (Well one of my favs)

Aysha A. says:

Baylee, im trying to subscribe on ur art channel, but it wont work. Im on my ipad youtube app

Armywolf says:

I was the one who bought the Halloween art

XTame WolfX says:

omg… christian watch sao!? i literally gasped XD Im not sure if you like it but are u guys on the lastest episode? 😮

자레드/LOOΠΔ says:

"April favorits! hurhurhur"

Ravena says:

LUCKYYYYYY I love steak!!! Also Pan frying Steak is great, but if you rub a little salt in an hour before cooking it, the outside of it goes all crunchy yummyyyy

Auxora says:

An idea just popped in my head about the Baylmail. Do you think it would perhaps be cool one day to have everyone's artwork framed on a wall? It would probably be a little too difficult to have them individually framed but a collage could work. Anyhooo, just my thoughts…. on ways to worship the galore of artwork sent to you from love. Kind of like a trophy, I guess. xD I guess this idea popped in my head because I have so much artwork jam packed in folders and binders that I have forgotten all about them. 

TracEy Monster says:

OH!  And guess what came in the mail today from Amazon?  My new Blue Nessie Mic!!!!!!  Wwweeeeeeeee  You inspired me to get this mic!  I'm in love!  <3  :o)

TracEy Monster says:

You crack me up!  "APRIL FAVORITES…"  LOL

soft svt says:

Lol he saw the camera and was like " nope nope nope"

Melontins Art says:

8:50 christian comes and saw you vlogin then walks away cx

Prplstar Studio says:

8:49 mark is what im talking about lol just thought it was funny

Prplstar Studio says:

Christian in that one scene hahahha too funny. Bf and i were having a laugh at his reaction when he wanted to go into the kitchen hahahahha too funny. But anyway love watching your daily vlogs. Ill be uploading videos soon on a channel i created lottle while ago. Hope to see ypu there 🙂

Rachel Nicole says:

0:44  aw <3 #Caylee  is so cute! You two are so adorable!!

Mmmm Zaddy says:

Sneaky Christian in the backround!

Victoria Maslova says:

Haha its funny how i already watched the book video earlier today and now youre vlogging about it and making it seem like a surprise 😀

Lov Jinxx says:

Yeah my mom cooks steak in a pan then sticks it in the oven. She uses a pepper seasoning and it is sooooo good!

GetInspiredWithArt says:

today vlog was funny! 😀 Free steak omg! nice! lucky! I know right ugh beauty gurus!

Lauressa Boone says:

soy sauce is suppose to go in the refrigerator after open

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