Free Kashi Samples

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Go get your free samples now! This is good stuff – you WANT to eat good food like this and the coupons make it sooo easy!


Lisa Freidman says:

So you were right! I ordered my Kahi and got it 10 days later! It was a sample bar and a $1.50 off coupon, such an awesome deal!

BeTheBestMe says:

@rosa69lveme1 Yay! Thank yoU!

BeTheBestMe says:

@divatiaisha Yay! Enjoy! Such good stuff!

BeTheBestMe says:

@gastricRose Yay! Enjoy in good health 🙂 XOXO Love ya!!

BeTheBestMe says:

@losingitwithrebecca Yay! Me too!

BeTheBestMe says:

@CandiisSweetEnough Enjoy! It is awesome to find surprise goodies in the mail and the coupons are fab!!

BeTheBestMe says:

@perfectlyric Yay! Go you!

BeTheBestMe says:

@phillytomcat Enjoy, my friend!

BeTheBestMe says:

@AngeliclySo Sorry about that 🙁

BeTheBestMe says:

@inspector941 Good stuff, eh? You are such a super shopper!

Doug Johnson says:

I bought the 3-pack of pita crisps at Costco. Or was it Sam's? Anyhow, they are excellent! Great with a piece of cheese.

ShannonCoral says:

Aww, ty for the info but its available to US only, unfortunately. 🙂

perfectlyric says:

thanks just signed up

CandiisSweetEnough says:

Love me some freebies!!! Thank you!!!

losingitwithrebecca says:

Thanks for the info! Love Kashi products!

gastricRose says:

Thanks just asked for my sample YAY!! love ya girly…love rosemary

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