Got High Value Coupons for Gold Emblem Abound @ CVS

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gold emblem abound is bogo exceot banana crisps


Carissa Coursen says:

I wanna b ur granddaughter!

Random Crafting Gamer says:

Hi! Just wanted to wish you a VERY Merry Christmas and I pray God blesses you!!!!!!!! XOXOXOXOX

K Slat says:

BTW, Have a Blessed and Merry Christmas!! ♥

K Slat says:

That is wonderful Mrs. Rose, GREAT FOR YOU!

daschundloverable says:

Do you have a candy store close to you?  A friend sent me 8#'s of chocolate covered peanuts, raisins and maltballs.  Too much chocolate.  I called the CANDY FACTORY and told them that I am pre-diabetic, which I am, and was wanting to exchange them at the local store for non-chocolate items.  I ended up with 3#s of the dried bananas priced at $2.99/lb. and 2 #'s of prunes, also for digestive problems, which were priced at $4.79/lb.  I also got a # of pistachios, ad a great French's Mustard mix of pretzels, peanuts and sesame sticks @ $7.99 lb, plus 5 of the old violet candies.  Remember those?  VERY, VERY HARD TO FIND.  My aunt always had those when I was a kid.  So per oz. vs. lb. there are better deals at the candy store.

Paula Hartman says:

I use the banana's in my porridge. Very good.

Temple Wilson says:

Awesome deal!!! I forgot about those q i still have mine. I'm going to use my q along with my ecb's. Tfs.

Amy Stotts says:

They are at but they haven't reset in soooo long! That is really sweet of Melissa! I am always hoping they reset, because I like to use them to get the veggie chips.

April Hernandez says:

How awesome and sweet ❤❤❤

Marie Hickman says:

Hi Mrs Rose! Shout out to your girl Melissa! What an awesome total for all of those good and healthy items! #GOMRSROSEGO
Have a wonderful nights rest! Nighty night! Sleep well and sweet dreams!

Maxine Simmons says:

Great savings. You have a sweet, caring & humble spirit & I enjoy watching your videos. It's very sweet of Melissa to think of you. Those coupons was useful. Good advice about the prunes. Thanks for sharing.

Melissa Chochard says:

🐞🐞🐞Awww…I am so happy you could use the Gold Emblem Q's….I love you to Jupiter & back and will continue to SHARE all my printables with you…God has truly put you on my heart and I am so blessed to know you…You are so special to me and I love it when you are smiling 😂… Keep it pushing hunni at CVS….Kiss your sissy for me…here's two from for each of you.👄👄
Merry Christmas my favorite New Yorker….

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