High Value Coupons You Should Print Now!

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Deven Dougherty says:

Is the $3 off Schick Disposable Razors worth printing?

preciousdiva419 says:

Your videos are the best😘

Wanda Tennyson says:

I use that app. Sometime there are coupons on there that I don't get

Natalie West says:

I did watch the next video!! Thanks!!!

Reina Juarez says:

Hi Christa, I missed you live 😕.. I need to figure out a way to have my phone 📱 peep when u come on live.

C Nutter says:

Thanks for sharing Christa ❤

Angie W says:

thanks Christa!

Stephanie Shellenbarger says:

My DG’s have always been strict. So seeing people using more is frustrating. They go through my coupons with a fine tooth comb.

Wendy Thomas says:

Hello I have a question it's not regaurding dollar General but I have this grocery store in my neighborhood and I went there and they had Oreo cookies on sale 2/5.00 well I had a coupon for .75 off 2 packages of Oreos
The cashier was rude and said I couldn't use my coupon cause they were on sale and I would be double couponing and double dipping I was like what…was I wrong or were they wrong I thought I can use coupons towards item on sale

Natalie West says:

No cottonelle in the 12/10 inserts? Mine don't seem to have them – $1/1.

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