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Zaraiah Valois says:

I'm just looking for that Ad that brought me here because I just died laughing xD

Mark Schroeder says:

Love this web app!

William Bishop says:

I need this because reasons.

Randy C says:


Batis says:

What about Amazon.de and .fr ??!!

EpicFishFingers says:

No it will not. If you're an american then you're probably aware of your own first amendment rights. Basically no-one should be denied freedom of speech, even if they're being a dickhead like you. how would you like it if the internet was censored and your voice was silenced?

Glen Cote says:

Does this work with other money saving extensions for Chrome?
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metal571 says:

I'm a PhD student in Computer Engineering. Maybe you should, you fucking lowlife gamer. Do something with your life for once. Don't even try. Go out, do drugs, get drunk, learn what living your life means. Censorship is the elimination of all that is true and natural.

metal571 says:

How do you make money off of this? Where is the catch?

metal571 says:

you are an absolute fucking moron. go die right now.

lost4468yt says:

You honestly think because some bills where stopped that will be the end of it? And no censoring the internet is NOT a violation of the first amendment, with that sort of thinking censoring TV would be a violation of the first amendment, but TV is censored.

tam705618 says:

amazing extension, thanks for the good work!

Koralreefcarbon says:

Shut the fuck week nigga

UunavailablEe says:

Coupon Queen!

TheGreatJuicebox says:

I smell scam.

Icy10K says:

Read their FAQ, they explicitly state that they do not share your data, nor do they make money from this service.

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