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$10 Kellogg’s Rebate Form:

$5/5 Kellogg’s coupon: www.coupons.com (zip code 84123)

Publix sale this weekend: 50% off Kellogg cereal


Marlana Zakon says:

Coupon no longer pulls up under 84123 zip code…. I pulled
it up using zip code 90014

Leona Rodriguez says:

@pinchingpennies2011 I was refreshing like a mad woman..I finally got it 🙂 thanks so much girl…

extremecouponexposed says:

Got it; thanks!

29lawanna says:

Thanks hun!!!!

pinchingpennies2011 says:

@HelenaJN Ok, I will change it. Thanks.

pinchingpennies2011 says:

@sadiekeilitz I just saw that coupon and did another video. It is for Utah and Idaho residents only.

pinchingpennies2011 says:

@iheartmakeup23 AWESOME! Dang, we don't have a Meijer here, but great for the rest of you. Thanks.

pinchingpennies2011 says:

@MsPokemon2727 You're welcome.

pinchingpennies2011 says:

@wahinepaddler4 Did you check under zip code 84123?

dena hinson says:

Thank you so much!

Leona Rodriguez says:

I think I missed it 🙁

rozzie10 says:

thanks for sharing

iheartmakeup23 says:

Meijer Deal: 2/18-2/20: Kelloggs Cereal 10 for $10! Buy 10 Kelloggs cereals, get $5 off INSTANTLY (no coupon needed) and use 2 of the $5 off 5 coupons from coupons.com=10 boxes of cereal for 10 bucks!

Sadie Keilitz says:

There was also a coupon for milk! awesome 🙂

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