How I sort/cut/organize my coupons every week!

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My coupon binder video –


Julie Garbs says:

Thanks for the tips. I am starting couponing again. By the way the cats are cute. I have two. I named one Prince Michael( after Michael Jackson's son and Princess stormy . Yah you can't do coupons around cats. They love paper. Thanks for the tips again. Do you have a stock pile yet?

QponFairy says:

Thanks! πŸ™‚ it works for me! hope it helps u!

Vicki S young says:

I really like your method. Thanks so much. I will put in to action tonoc!

QponFairy says:

I do, I dont do too many though.. so I normally just keep those cut in a pile in the front of my binder.. πŸ™‚

QponFairy says:

πŸ™‚ thanks for watching!

Lisa Gebelen says:

Do you print coupons from your computer also? I like to get extra coupons I need that way also.

Angela Duvall says:

Thanks for sharing!! πŸ™‚

QponFairy says:

smart! yeah.. u just have to find what works best for u! πŸ™‚

QponFairy says:

haha yeah.. so weird huh!?

QponFairy says:

hahahaha! too funny!!! yeah, that would be a problem!! :-p

QponFairy says:

πŸ™‚ yay! glad to help! defin!!

QponFairy says:

not by date.. I just fill them in wherever there are empty slots!

QponFairy says:

πŸ™‚ aw! gotta love them! yeah I do NOT cut neatly.. half the time I am not even on the line haha….. as long as thr expiration date and the info is all on there then its good enough!

QponFairy says:

great idea! I used to staple too but now I just skip it.. sometimes I pay for that tho! especially when the cats come around :-p

QponFairy says:

haha! yeah defin! u seem organized!!!

barauz11 says:

I liked doing the way you did it. Except once i cut each coupon i attach them with a paper clip instead of piling them.. my bed is not too steady so they always got messed up.. lol.. i havent done the binder method in about 9 months.. and have piles and piles of whole inserts.. i find it a lot more difficult to do that but im graduating in june so hopefully i will have time to cut all those (except expired ones) and do the binder way again..

Islndluv8 says:

Just to add to the animal issues… my chihuahua likes to plant himself in the middle of my papers, or my binder every time he sees me trying to organize my coupons.. and I thought he just wanted attention.. now I see it's animal thing, they all do it..

HealthyPrepper says:

Oh how about having a parrot fly by your freshly cut coupons and causing a tornado of airborn coupons in his wake! πŸ™‚ Yep, this has happened more times than I'd like to admit πŸ˜‰

HealthyPrepper says:

I love the tearing of the pages idea!! I never thought of that! WhooHoo! Anything to make this process easier!! Thanks!!

couponologist says:

Forgot to ask….do you file your coupons by date or do you just put them in their respective category wherever there's room? Thanks again!

couponologist says:

Your kitties are sooo cute! And so helpful too :0) (I have two that are just as "helpful").
I was just thinking about going back to my binder and I think you & Souljagurl helped. And I now know why it takes me forever to do my binder – I cut each coupon out so carefully and neatly. I must stop the madness! And I love the idea of putting aside the rarely used q's! Thanks!

DontSayHurry says:

I keep then whole and date them and cut them as they expire or trade n stuff. Feel free to share those target q's πŸ™‚

Jaime Smith says:

I do the wiggle wiggle as well. : ) I also do the separate the pages to like pages and stack the same way. I do use a binder but I keep the pages whole and put them in 2 binders in week order. My smart source binder is out of control. Its stuffed. I think I will quit putting the pages I dont think I will use in there.
I dont take a binder to yhe store but preplan a trip. I have certain favorite items I do clip and keep in my purse. I do miss clearance by doing clipless though.

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