How To Ask For A Promotion In The Right Way

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Alexandrina Ivanova says:

This has been so helpful and valid. Big thank you for your advice 🙏

John Clavis says:

This was very thought-provoking, and aligns with some thoughts I'd already had (and helped me to work on them). Really appreciate it.

Andrew Jones says:

Great video

Shiping Wang says:

Very inspiring. Structure a promotion conversation.
What do you think about my recent work? Is there any place I can improve.
Thanks for sharing, I felt.. in the future, I plan to help the business by dong ..I hope to move forward on my career.
Like the language – what do you think I need to be ready for the next step/promotion.

Mindset: don't start with what I want, start with what he cares.
Mindset: mutual benefit. Help you, help myself.

Saeed says:

Your advise works if your boss is a human and not a total waste of life.

shinutokoro says:

Depends on the boss as well and if they are seriously interested in your professional development and growth. Great leaders develop, support, and appreciate valuable employees. If they are insecure, shortsighted, only aiming for their gains and could care less about your contributions or direction, that is when things get difficult.

DaCfun says:

Please patiently read this article, please i will be writing this Testimony without my name's being stated on it because of my company but i am doing this just to make most people out there understand that nothing is impossible.
I have been working with a very good company here in Chicago for many years without a single promotion for a good 10 years of working with this company. Most people are getting promoted every year and i was never worried about it because i believed it was by merit and i know i have all it takes to gain a promotion but I was never called for a promotion interview for once. Some of my colleagues do say "You Merit to be promoted" and my income was as low as Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000) which barely cover my expenses including my children fees so due to my qualification and commitment to the company i was hoping for a sooner promotion but i became worried about this when a junior colleague was promoted just last year october and it was so clear that the promotion wasn't by merit then i realized most promotions aren't by merit. Now i was so eager and started to ask questions on how i can get my promotion without any delay but no one was willing to speak out the secret. I needed to be promoted so i can earn higher salary so luckily for me on easter this year i met a friend from Asia and we talked and i told him about my job and he laughed and said most promotions aren't by merit but by the work of a spell caster to help people get whatever they wanted i was amazed and so eager to met this spell caster to help me out so he gave me this contacts ( also Whatsapp +2349054750112. I contacted this great spell caster called Dr Ozigidon and truthfully everything happened so fast after i did all that was required of me by this man.
I got a promotion letter 4months ago and today i am in a position where i now earn ($21,500) monthly. Not all promotions are by merit, contact this man if you want this too. no one would ever say the truth on how i got to the top. today my life is filled with gratitude.

SC says:

Their wants are never ending. So is it really the right question?

Street Smart says:

Corporates want to exploit you. Unless the organisation can't afford loosing you, they'll promote you.

Aaron Anderson says:

This guy looks like he has short hair and long hair at the same time.

LordLauderdale says:

I like the spirit and positivity of the video

Stogger bogger says:

3:22 just don't do this is you want a promotion

Sofiane Lakemeche says:

I am watching now this video as I am preparing myself to ask for a new promotion as a manager. Great video! Thanks for your tips

mike says:

I have 6 years with Walmart. Then worked at 2 years at a warehouse. Now I'm back in retail at Target. I just started this week. I let it be known in the interview i want to grow and move up. When should i start getting more aggressive with moving up?

Abigail Hajdu says:

Great advice ! Thanks for sharing

John Leitaker says:

take my advice: wash your hair first

Maritza D'Angelo says:

Wow thanks for the great advice. I'm so nervous to ask but I know I'm qualified

Meret Steves says:

the video you refer to isn't hyperlinked – but I found it! 🙂 Thanks for the tips!

Stephen Harris says:

Great video … as a "boss" I like for people to ask me , well in advance of asking for a promotion, "in the future, what would you like to see from me , so that I can approach you to discuss a possible raise or a promotion openly . And apart from what I may have achieved, how will I know when you may be ready for the conversation and how should I approach you"

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