How to claim a Microsoft exam discount?!

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How to verify if you can claim a 100% discount on the Microsoft certification exam? In this video, I will demonstrate the steps. I hope you find it useful.

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TermitisX says:

Thank you for this information. I am aware that you can attend a training virtual day for some fundamentals exams for a 100% off, but I was not aware of this. Keep up the good work! 👍

Gopi Nayar says:

Hai… I am apply for exam but last moment in asked to payment…there is please be aware that a refundable deposit may be required on the your next scheduling attempt if you do not show for your exam appointment . Please always remember to cancel or reschedule exams you cannot attend…i am what should do now.. please tell me

Simone says:

hi susan i am part of microsoft gold partner.

how can i register for microsoft esi?

thank you

Simone says:

hello thanks for your valuable contribution.

I am part of microsoft gold partner.

I would like to know how to get free exams.

who can help me?

Om Tagalpallewar says:

Hello sir thank you so much for this video but I have a doubt
I have scheduled my exam but I don't know where to give exam
At onvue or at certiport

Sourav Saha says:

I'm also got surprised.

It's only applicable, if your work email is registered under Office 365 Plans

MD IRFAN says:

I did registered for fundamental azure.. Lets see for the vouchar

Jomon Tomy says:

Off-topic.. but, is there any similar initiative for other clouds like AWS, GCP, etc where we can take such free certification exams with our work e-mail ID?

VIVEK Upadhyay says:

if we failed in compny sponsored ms exam will we get incur ccharge of that certificate on behalf of our company??


Hello susanth Bro, Nice Video but i wanted to know that is discount available for Az-305 also???

Pavan Vinnamuri says:

Hi sir
Yesterday completed my virtual training az 900 official Microsoft event how many days I will get the vochar sir?

Shaneel Deo says:

Thanks for the awesome content. `I have received a Microsoft verification email that I am eligible for the exam discount claim. But the 100% exam discount button doesnt appear for me to claim and schedule the exam. any idea why this is happening?

M Raghul says:

How to get discount for az-104 exam as a student, any idea.

r0hInI says:

i want to give AZ104 exam as i already clear AZ-900 exam and now i attained SC-900 & AI-900 & DP-900 virtual training from microsoft events and i did get discount on SC-900 & DP-900 & AI-900 BUT i couldn't get discount on AZ-104….. WHAT SHOULD I DO TO GET DISCOUNT ON AZ-104 EXAM????

amit1982railfan says:

Thanks Susanth for this useful info. Although I have been taking advantage of my company's ESI since last 18 months now. Unfortunately, the newly launched AZ 305 is still yet to go under the ESI umbrella. I am being told by the ESI support team that it is expected to happen around 18th Feb.

vetrivel vel says:

Thank you… Enrolled with 100% discount 😊

Utkarsh says:

Sir can we give this exam on smartphone. If we don't have computer?

envoy says:

Hello bro
What about 204?

Kumar Kanchan says:

Thanks a lot…I was not aware of this option…Thanks to you I have scheduled the exam without any cost… I look forward to go through your contents..Have a wonderful year ahead..

It's Gamer says:

Sir I have attend Microsoft visual training days for SC900 after5 days when I visited to register exam then thier is no discount for my email adress

WondorOnWheels says:

I wasn' t aware of this. Thank you so much!. 👍

Sofonias Mengistu says:

Az-104 , Az-304 it doesn't work for me


Glad to see the video though this information was shared by my previous employer last year itself and we thought that it won't renew but it got renewed after June'21. To my surprise my current organization also offers this under ESI.
I have used this for many AZ and SC series exams.

Zohaib Uddin Khan says:

Thanks for sharing this tip mate. Do you know how to enroll an organisation to get eligible for such discounts? Cheers,

mim nou says:

this offer is only for some entreprise not for every body you can mention that on the title 🙁

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